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Questions related to writing documentation
If a <refentry> should not emit versioning information, what should I do?
- Add the role=“noversion” to its <refentry>
- Example: <refentry xml:id="reserved.variables.argc" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" role=“noversion">
How do I add a link to a method?
- Use <methodname>Class::Method</methodname>
- Note that the case does not matter when adding a link.
I'm about to document a new PHP extension... how should I start?
- Use phpdoc/scripts/docgen/*
- Example: $ php docgen.php -h
- It creates the skeletons then each file should be edited
I want to contribute to the PHP Manual, how?
- First, read the HOWTO
- Check out the sources: $ cvs -d checkout phpdoc
- For a translation, change phpdoc to phpdoc-{lang} where {lang} is the language code
- ...
How do I build and/or test the manual locally?
- Use phpdoc/configure.php to validate and then phd to build
- To validate en: $ php configure.php
- To validate fr: $ php configure.php --with-lang=fr (Change fr to your given language code)
- To build: $ phd -d .manual.xml
- Note: Building is not required, all you must do is check the diff and be sure it validates
Running configure.php ends up Segfaulting, what is up?
- There are bugs with certain versions of libxml that cause this, so hacks exist to get around it
- To execute the hack, pass in: $ php configure.php --disable-segfault-error
- Note: This disables some error checking and beautification but raw errors will be shown
- Note: Usually the problem is a major XML syntax issue
In the changelog, which order do the PHP versions go?
- Newest PHP versions go above the older ones
Why does everyone care so much about whitespace?
- See the following article: whitespace
- XML is one space, PHP example code is four, and max width is ~78 characters
- Exceptions: <refpurpose> is on one line, ...
How do I create a patch?
- In the command-line, go to the CVS directory:
- cd /path/to/phpdoc/cvs
- To diff the entire repository: cvs diff -u
- To diff a single file: cvs diff -u foo.xml
- Consider piping the diff to a file, so: cvs diff -u foo.xml > mypatch.txt
How do I apply a patch?
- Assuming the file with the patch is named apatch.txt
- Go to the directory with the files to be patched
- And run this command: patch -p0 < apatch.txt
doc/howto/faq.1238526238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)