You need access to
Add the repository to the long long list of repos in conf/gitlite.conf
OR Add the repository itself to conf/gitolite.conf
Ensure RW+ is set to @all
Ensure R is set to daemon gitweb
Ensure config.sharedRepository = true
Add a description at the end of the file
Do not give access to any other user except daemon and gitweb
Create the repo on github. Use dash instead of slashes e.g. pecl/numbers/bitset becomes pecl-numbers-bitset on github
Import the repository using svn2git.
git init reponame
cd reponame
The is in the gitolite-admin.git repo.
Push it to the newly created repository.
Make sure all branches are pushed
Add the appropriate hooks.mailinglist config variable
Do that AFTER you pushed the initial repository or people will hate you.
Rename <REPO> to <REPO>.git in the global_avail file in SVNROOT.
karma & co is going to be installed automatically. If you have problem call