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PHP RFC: Weak maps


Weak maps allow creating a map from objects to arbitrary values (similar to SplObjectStorage) without preventing the objects that are used as keys from being garbage collected. If an object key is garbage collected, it will simply be removed from the map.

In PHP 7.4 first-class support for weak references was already introduced. However, raw weak references are only of limited usefulness by themselves and weak maps are much more commonly used in practice. It is not possible to implement an efficient weak map on top of PHP weak references, because the ability to register a destruction callback is not provided.

The general use case for weak maps is to associate data with individual object instances, without forcing them to stay alive and thus effectively leak memory in long-running processes. For example, a weak map may be used to memoize a computation result:

class FooBar {
    private WeakMap $cache;
    public function getSomethingWithCaching(object $obj) {
        return $this->cache[$obj] ??= $this->computeSomethingExpensive($obj);
    // ...

This will invoke the computeSomethingExpensive() method only once for each object. At the same time it will also drop the cached value from the map if the object is destroyed. Doing the same with a normal array (or rather SplObjectStorage) would result in a memory leak.


Add a WeakMap class with the following prototype:

final class WeakMap implements ArrayAccess, Countable, Traversable {
    public function offsetGet($object);
    public function offsetSet($object, $value): void;
    public function offsetExists($object): bool;
    public function offsetUnset($object): void;
    public function count(): int;

Objects used as weak map keys are “weakly referenced”, which means that they are not prevented from being garbage collected. If an object that is used as a weak map key is garbage collected, the key is removed from the weak map. This is illustated in the following example:

$map = new WeakMap;
$obj = new stdClass;
$map[$obj] = 42;
// object(WeakMap)#1 (1) {
//   [0]=>
//   array(2) {
//     ["key"]=>
//     object(stdClass)#2 (0) {
//     }
//     ["value"]=>
//     int(42)
//   }
// }
// The object is destroyed here, and the key is automatically removed from the weak map.
// object(WeakMap)#1 (0) {
// }

Some details of the WeakMap behavior are outlined in the following:

Backward Incompatible Changes

No backwards incompatible changes apart from using the WeakMap class name.


Voting started 2019-12-18 and closes 2020-01-01.

Add WeakMap class in PHP 8.0?
Real name Yes No
alcaeus (alcaeus)  
asgrim (asgrim)  
ashnazg (ashnazg)  
cmb (cmb)  
derick (derick)  
galvao (galvao)  
geekcom (geekcom)  
girgias (girgias)  
jasny (jasny)  
kalle (kalle)  
kocsismate (kocsismate)  
krakjoe (krakjoe)  
kriscraig (kriscraig)  
laruence (laruence)  
lcobucci (lcobucci)  
nikic (nikic)  
ocramius (ocramius)  
pajoye (pajoye)  
pierrick (pierrick)  
reywob (reywob)  
salathe (salathe)  
santiagolizardo (santiagolizardo)  
sergey (sergey)  
toby (toby)  
yunosh (yunosh)  
Final result: 25 0
This poll has been closed.

Differences to spl_object_id() and WeakReference

Weak maps require first-class language support and cannot be implemented using existing functionality provided by PHP.

At first sight, it may seem that an array mapping from spl_object_id() to arbitrary values could serve the purpose of a weak map. This is not the case for multiple reasons:

Using the WeakReference class introduced in PHP 7.4, it is possible to avoid the first two issues, by using the following construction:

// Insertion
$this->map[spl_object_id($object)] = [WeakReference::create($object), $data];
// Lookup
$id = spl_object_id($object);
if (isset($this->map[$id])) {
    [$weakRef, $data] = $this->map[$id];
    if ($weakRef->get() === $object) {
        return $data;
    // This entry belongs to a destroyed object.
return null;

This makes use of the WeakReference to determine whether the object ID has been reused. However, this does not solve the third problem: The data will not be released when the object is destroyed. It will only be released on the next access with an object that has the same reused ID, or if a garbage collection mechanism, which performs regular sweeps of the whole map, is implemented.

A native weak map implementation will instead remove the value from the weak map as soon as the object key is destroyed.