tooke care of this RFC. Withdrawn.
Both php_rand() and php_mt_rand() internal function provides pseudo random numbers. php_rand() uses system random function which has less randomness compare to MT rand. There are few places that use php_rand() currently.
These functions could use php_mt_rand() instead of php_rand() to improve randomness.
Note: rand() (or rand_XXX) uses php_rand(), NOT php_mt_rand().
Game that expects the same pseudo random sequences. These apps may use mt_srand() to get fixed random sequences and adjust their apps if it is needed.
64 bit platforms get different pseudo random sequences.
Standard module
If there are any php.ini settings then list:
Determine rand() rename candidate.
php_rand()/php_srand() remains. Therefore, modules that are using them are not affected.
VOTE: 2014/XX/XX - 2014/XX/XX
If you agree to apply stronger pseudo random number, please vote 'yes'.
If you would like to have MT rand for rand() function, please vote 'yes'.
Please choose 'yes' or 'no' even if you vote 'no' for previous.
Thank you for voting!
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