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Request for Comments: Return value and parameter type hint

Details of implementation

Parameter type hint:

  1. The behavior when the default parameter value is NULL was kept.


  1. Binary and unicode string are specified by string.

Return value type hint

BC Break

No BC break using the “(type)” syntax. (Inspirated by Objective-C)


Using inside namespaces

namespace foo;
class test { }
class bar {
	static public function (foo::test) testing($instance) {
		return $instance;
bar::testing(new test);
bar::testing(new stdClass); // Catchable fatal error: The returned value should be instance of foo::test

Using inheritance

interface ITest { }
class bar implements ITest { }
class foo extends bar { }
function (Itest) testing($instance) {
	return $instance;	
testing(new bar);
testing(new foo);
testing(new stdClass); // Catchable fatal error: The returned value must implement interface Itest


interface ITest {
	public function (int) foo();	
class foo implements ITest {
	public function (int) foo() {
		return 'a';
$test = new foo;
$test->foo(); // Catchable fatal error: The returned value must be of the type integer
interface ITest {
	public function (int) foo();	
class foo implements ITest {
	public function foo() {
		return 1;
$test = new foo;
$test->foo(); // Fatal error: Declaration of foo::foo() must be compatible with that of ITest::foo()

Trying use with magic methods

class test {
	// Fatal error: Return type hint can't be used with magic methods
	public function (int) __toString() {

PHP types

function (int) test($value) {
	return $value;
test('1337'); // Catchable fatal error: The returned value must be of the type integer

Parameter type hint

BC Break

New tokens (new keywords)
  1. T_INTEGER (Keywords: int, integer)
  2. T_BOOLEAN (Keywords: bool, boolean)
  3. T_DOUBLE (Keywords: real, float, double)
  4. T_OBJECT (Keyword: object)
  5. T_RESOURCE (Keyword: resource)
  6. T_STR (Keyword: string)

Other changes

  1. Removed ZEND_ARG_ARRAY_INFO()
-#define ZEND_ARG_ARRAY_INFO(pass_by_ref, name, allow_null) { {#name}, sizeof(#name)-1, {NULL}, 0, 1, allow_null, pass_by_ref, 0, 0 },
+#define ZEND_ARG_PHP_TYPE_INFO(pass_by_ref, name, php_type, allow_null) { {#name}, sizeof(#name)-1, {NULL}, 0, php_type, allow_null, pass_by_ref, 0, 0 },
  1. Reflection: ReflectionParameter class:
    1. Added:
      1. isInt()
      2. isDouble()
      3. isBool()
      4. isString()
      5. isObject()
      6. isResource()


With default parameter value

function test(integer $value = '1') {
// Fatal error: Default value for parameters with integer type hint can only be the exact type or NULL

integer / int

function test(integer $value) {
// Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type integer, string given ...

double / float / real

function test(double $value) {
test("1."); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type double, string given

bool / boolean

function test(bool $value = true) {
test(0); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type boolean, null given


function test(resource $value) {
test(fopen(__FILE__, 'r'));
test(NULL); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type resource, null given


function test(object $value) {
test(new stdclass);
test(NULL); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type object, null given

Patches & tests