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PHP RFC: Policy on 3rd party code


The PHP project has had a long-standing but unwritten, vague, and inconsistently-applied proscription against mentioning or using third-party PHP projects, on the grounds that it implies some sort of endorsement over other third-party projects. While the desire to avoid endorsing a particular competing project is reasonable, it many cases it is actively harmful to the PHP project, its documentation, and the PHP ecosystem. “PHP” is not simply the php-src repository, and is the home page of the PHP ecosystem, not of the php-src repository, whether we approve of that evolution or not.

This RFC proposes an updated heuristic for when and how third party code may be used or referenced, and a resolution process in case of conflict.


PHP tooling

PHP tooling (the website, first-party marketing material, the documentation generator project PhD, etc.) MAY make use of existing third party libraries and tools (collectively “libraries”), provided that the library meets all of the “Inclusion” criteria, and does not meet any of the “Exclusion” criteria.

Inclusion criteria:

  1. The library must have a stable >= 1.0 release, and have had one for at least a year. (This is to ensure it has longevity.)
  2. The library provides targeted, necessary functionality.
  3. The library is a recognized de facto standard, or one of a small number of de facto standards, in its problem space.
  4. The library is available under an MIT, BSD, LGPL, or GPL license.

Exclusion criteria:

  1. The library is a “full” framework
  2. The library is available under an AGPL license.
  3. The library is not available under an Open Source license.
  4. The library has shown no meaningful activity for one year prior to its first inclusion.

PHP tooling maintainers MAY use their judgement to determine if a library meets the above criteria, but SHOULD be conservative in their interpretation of whether or not a library satisfies the necessary criteria.

PHP documentation

Documentation hosted on the website, first-party marketing material, and other public facing text (collectively “documentation”) MAY reference and link to third party libraries and tools (collectively “libraries”), provided that the library meets all of the “Inclusion” criteria, and does not meet any of the “Exclusion” criteria. Additionally, the language used to refer to the library must also follow the criteria below.

Inclusion criteria:

  1. The library must have a stable >= 1.0 release, and have had one for at least a year.
  2. The library provides a use that is commonly needed by numerous types of projects, and a reasonable estimate would make it relevant to at least 40% of the PHP ecosystem.
  3. The library is a recognized de facto standard, or one of a small number of de facto standards, in its problem space. If there are a small number of de facto standard libraries, then all should be listed and given equal weight.
  4. The library is available under an Free Software license (as defined by the Free Software Foundation).
  5. The language used to describe the library does not imply that the PHP Project is involved in or specifically recommends the library over some other.

Exclusion criteria:

  1. The library is one of many (more than ~4) viable options in its problem space, even if it is the most common of those many options.
  2. The library is not available under an Open Source license.
  3. The library has shown no meaningful activity for one year prior to its first mention.
  4. The library is not of broad interest to the PHP ecosystem.

PHP documentation maintainers MAY use their judgement to determine if a library meets the above criteria, but SHOULD be conservative in their interpretation of whether or not a library satisfies the necessary criteria.

Conflict resolution

Should there be a reasonable dispute as to whether a given library satisfies the criteria above, an RFC may be posted to explicitly approve the library for either use or reference. The RFC MUST have a 2/3 vote threshold to approve the library. If the library is rejected, it may be revisited after six months, like any other RFC.

Initially approved libraries

The following packages are explicitly approved for use by this RFC, as they meet all of the criteria above.


This section is non-normative. It is a discussion of how this RFC author feels the above criteria would apply to various packages, as a way to demonstrate the expected thought process.

Proposed Voting Choices

Simple 2/3 majority vote.


Links to external references, discussions or RFCs

Rejected Features