PHP variable serialization was source of security issues. The root cause of issues is “crafted serialized data”. Crafted serialized data can be rejected by message authentication code using crypt-graphic hash function. This RFC proposes serialize/unserialize function that supports authentication code.
Recent vulnerability examples are Joomla! 3.4.6 and 3.4.7.
Making sure if serialized data is generated by the server/system before unserialization is mandatory for security. Even though this is possible in userland, but it's rarely implemented. Therefore, PHP is better to provide function for secure serialization/unserialization. Proposed secure serialization functions prevent crafted serialized data to be passed to php_unserialize(). Therefore, this RFC can also protect unknown serialize vulnerabilities even if they exist.
string serialize_mhac(mixed $data_to_be_serialized , string $secret_key [, int $ttl=1800 [,bool $session_only=TRUE]]) mixed unserialize_mhac(mixed $data_to_be_unserialized , mixed $secret_keys)
Pseudo code
function secure_serialize(string $data_to_be_serialized, string $secret_key, int $ttl=1800, bool $session_only = TRUE) : string { if (strlen($secret_key) < 32) { trigger_error('Too short secret key'); return FALSE; } if ($ttl < 0) { trigger_error('Invalid TTL'); return FALSE; } $ttl = $ttl ? time() + $ttl : 0; $session_only = $session_only ? TRUE : FALSE; // Use random key to randomize $mac $key = sha256(random_bytes(64)); $serialized_data = serialize($data_to_be_serialized); $keys = is_array($secret_key) ?: array(secret_key); if ($session_only && session_id()) { // Session ID is hashed by SHA256 to avoid session ID exposure. $mac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $ttl.$key.sha256($secret_key.session_id()).$serialized_data), $secret_key); // Serialize these data with special/simple format. return __serialize__(['mac'=>$mac, 'ttl'=>$ttl, 'key'=>$key, 'id'=>sha256($secret_key.session_id()), 'data'=>$serialized_data]); } else { $mac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $ttl.$key.$serialized_data), $secret_key); // Serialize these data with special/simple format. return __serialize__(['mac'=>$mac, 'ttl'=>$ttl, 'key'=>$key, 'data'=>$serialized_data]); } }
Pseudo code
function unserialize_mhac(string $data_to_be_unserialized, mixed $secret_key) : mixed { if (strlen($secret_key) < 32) { trigger_error('Too short secret key'); return FALSE; } // Unserialize special format $tmp = __unserialize__($data_to_be_unserialized); if ($tmp['ttl'] && $tmp['ttl'] < time() { // Serialized data is expired return FALSE; } $keys = is_array($secret_key) ?: array[$secret_key]; foreach ($keys in $k) { if (isset($tmp['id'])) { // Old session ID may be used if session module stores old IDs in internal data. // $mac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $tmp['ttl'].$tmp['key'].sha256($k.session_id()).$tmp['data'], $k); } else { $mac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $tmp['ttl'].$tmp['key'].$tmp['data'], $k); } if ($mac !== $tmp['mac']) { continue; } // Unserialize data normally and return return unserialize($tmp['data']); } return FALSE; }
PHP 7.1
If there are any php.ini settings then list:
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If session module stores old session ID, automatic fallback to old session ID may be supported.
Encryption is more secure than authentication code. Implement serialize_crypt/unserialize_crypt when standard encryption module is introduced.
50%+1 majority
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