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Straw poll: Interest in configurable callback to dump results of expressions in ''php -a''


Many REPLs (Read-Eval-Print Loops) for other programming languages that I'm familiar with print a (possibly truncated) representation of the result of expressions, but PHP doesn't. It would be useful to allow users to extend the functionality of the default interactive php shell (php -a), possibly with auto_prepend_file or through use of command wrappers/aliases, or after loading the shell. Prior to this RFC, there was no way to extend the interactive php shell in this way. (I've seen mentioned as an alternative for php -a while investigating this, but that's a shell written from scratch, and doesn't have some functionality from php -a such as tolerance of fatal errors)


This straw poll is mentioned to decide on what form should take, and if it should continue to be worked on.

Proposed default result expression dumping implementation

One of the comments was that it would make more sense if it was added at the same time as a default implementation for rendering result expressions.

For the sake of discussion, the following default implementation is proposed. var_dump() is proposed for arrays and objects because it properly represents references and cyclic data structures.

var_dump() is proposed instead of print_r() for various reasons

The proposed snippet would be to behave as if this snippet were evaluated before auto_prepend_file was run and any input was entered.

    function(string $code, $result) {
        if (!isset($result)) {
        if (is_scalar($result)) {
            echo "=> " . var_export($result, true) . "\n";
        } else {
            echo "=> "; var_dump($result);

With this default implementation, an example interactive php -a session would have the following output.

Interactive shell
php > 1+1;
=> 2
php > 0.5 * 2;
=> 1.0
php > namespace\MyClass::class;
=> 'MyClass'
php > fn()=>true;
=> object(Closure)#2 (0) {
php > $x = ["foo", "bar"];
=> array(2) {
  string(3) "foo"
  string(3) "bar"
php > asort($x);
=> true
php > $x;
=> array(2) {
  string(3) "bar"
  string(3) "foo"
php > json_encode($x);
=> '{"1":"bar","0":"foo"}'
php > unset($x);
php > function function_returning_void() { echo "in function_returning_void()\n"; }
php > function_returning_void();
in function_returning_void()
php > json_decode('{"key": "value"}');
=> object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
  string(5) "value"
php > throw new RuntimeException("test");
Warning: Uncaught RuntimeException: test in php shell code:1
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in php shell code on line 1
php > readline_interactive_shell_result_function(null);
php > 1+1; // no longer dumped
php > 

Improvements to the default result expression dumper can be proposed in subsequent RFCs if this ends up being added.


Propose defaults implementations first?

by Rowan Tommins:

I'd planned to propose defaults if this passed.

Then I guess my feedback can be summarised as: propose these default implementations first, rather than last. Start by improving the out-of-the-box experience, and then look at what hooks userland tools might want to customise that (which might involve something “smarter” than replacing the entire output routine).

Psysh is 2.4MB as a compiled phar release and larger if distributed with library/application releases (e.g. on remote servers).

default extension hooks would likely be much smaller.

That was a lot of data when I used to carry floppy disks around in my school backpack. It sounds pretty reasonable for a feature-rich command-line tool in 2021.

Someone learning from the manual or a tutorial with minimal dependencies wouldn't install psysh right now.

To be honest, I doubt most users ever come across php -a either, or know that they need to install ext/readline to unlock its features (I'm pretty sure that's not installed by default on Ubuntu, for instance).

I'm supportive of the idea of changing that, but I don't think the RFC as currently presented particularly helps that cause.

Formatting output

by Rowan Tommins:

A couple of notes on this:

  • The readline-based shell for php -a was added in PHP 5.1 [] and __debugInfo not until 5.6 []
  • I agree that the existing debug outputs are quite verbose, but I don't think that's a problem unique to the REPL. var_export() is constrained to render valid PHP code, but print_r() and var_dump() could and perhaps should represent objects more compactly.
  • That compact representation of a Point (Point(x: 1, y: 2)) would be useful pretty much everywhere anyone wanted debug output. It would also be possible to build it on top of the existing functionality (key-value pairs from __debugInfo if defined, else all properties).
  • Allowing objects to overload the output seems much preferable to the formatting function having to know all the special cases, so I'm not convinced of the need to hook the entire output for the shell.
  • I can't find any references off-hand, but I'm pretty sure popular REPLs in other languages take that approach: use existing

pretty-printing mechanisms from the language, which in turn can be overloaded by individual types / classes.

Adding a pretty-printing alternative to var_dump would be a separate RFC proposal but may be worth proposing. ( e.g. public function __debugRepresentation(): string )

Exposing the ability to handle input and recover from fatal errors in interactive shells

by Rowan Tommins:

If all the code using these hooks is going to be distributed as userland code anyway, then they're not going to improve the default experience.

It feels like we need to go in one of two directions:

a) Build a full-featured official REPL with all of these improvements completely implemented out of the box. Limited extension hooks might still be desirable to build custom versions for frameworks etc, but they could be more targeted - for custom input, it could be “register meta-command”; for custom output, we already have __debugInfo() at the class level.

b) Expose the magic behaviour needed for something like PsySh to do everything php -a already can, and leave the rest to userland. So far, the only mentioned requirement is a special form of eval() that swallows fatal errors.

My feeling is that the current mood of the community favours (b) rather than (a); the most obvious example is that PHP used to bundle a PEAR executable, but Composer remains an entirely external project. Is there a reason not to aim for the same “de facto standard” for a REPL?

by Tyson Andre:

Compared to psysh, the main distinguishing feature is definitely the ability to detect/tolerate fatal errors when compiling snippets or inheriting classes, and fewer dependencies to include to integrate an interactive shell with utilities for a project. I don't think it should be exposed to regular processes or web servers, though, due to possible memory corruption or leaks after zend_error_noreturn (e.g. class inheritance errors after autoloading), etc.).

  • It would possibly be an improvement to throw an error instead of causing a fatal error for common mistakes in interactive

shell sessions such as duplicate functions/parameters but I'm not sure how likely that is, especially since classes and functions currently get added as the file is being compiled.

Integrating userland shells like psysh deeply into php -a may wish to avoid readline entirely and call a callback instead of printing php> and directly processing input like those projects already do. Two hooks may help with enabling that approach, which can be added in auto_prepend_file

  • A hook to call a callback instead of printing “php >” and C readline reading stdin.

e.g. readline_replace_interactive_shell_initializer(function () { ... read and process stdin in a loop })

  • Adding a hook to call a function every time an uncatchable fatal error was encountered, e.g. to resume the userland shell.

e.g. readline_replace_interactive_fatal_error_handler(function ($errcode, $errmsg, $file, $line, $errcount): bool { /* process or exit */ })


Voting started on 2021-01-07 and ends 2021-01-14

This is a multiple choice poll, fill out any acceptable options. The proposed default uses var_export for scalars, nothing for null, and var_dump for objects/arrays/resources.

Straw poll: Interest in configurable callback to dump results of expressions in `php -a`
Real name Support overriding (no default dumper). Support overriding (use proposed default dumper). Add proposed dumper with ability to disable but not override. Opposed to previous options Opposed to adding this
bmajdak (bmajdak)    
galvao (galvao)   
kinncj (kinncj)    
reywob (reywob)     
sergey (sergey)     
tandre (tandre)   
zimt (zimt)     
Final result: 4 7 2 0 0
This poll has been closed.

What tools do you currently use?

Clicking vote will only submit an answer for the question(form) that you voted on. To answer both questions, you must click vote for one question, choose the answer for the other question, then vote for the other question.

Straw poll: Preferred shell choice/substitute before this RFC was created
Real name php -a php (non-interactive) psysh other shell Xdebug/debugger online tools unit tests/TDD none
ashnazg (ashnazg)      
bmajdak (bmajdak)        
galvao (galvao)    
kinncj (kinncj)     
nicolasgrekas (nicolasgrekas)       
ocramius (ocramius)     
ramsey (ramsey)       
reywob (reywob)     
sergey (sergey)      
tandre (tandre)       
zimt (zimt)     
Final result: 3 8 4 0 6 5 8 0
This poll has been closed.



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