Currently, a negative max execution time may be set to a negative number without warning or error. The documentation does not define what happens when a negative number is given, and this RFC deprecates passing a negative number.
Given a max_execution_time either via a php.ini setting or via set_time_limit() will result in a deprecation notice from 8.4+ and a fatal error in 9.0+. Numbers greater than 999,999,999 (31 years, 259 days) will be set to 0 (unlimited).
* Legacy code passing a negative number will receive a deprecation notice.
8.4: deprecation notice 9.0: fatal error
The potential of a fatal error while applying the configuration.
Not yet.
No change for positive integers in the bounds.
* yes: to apply a deprecation warning and fatal error in the next major version * no: to keep it undefined
PR conforming setting negative numbers to 0:
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