Table of Contents

PHPNG (next generation)

This page gives short information about development state of a new PHP branch based on refactored Zend Engine.

The phpng branch has been merged into master and has been used as the base for PHP 7.0

Some technical implementation details are available at phpng-int. Information for extension maintainers at phpng-upgrading.

Slides from a talk at ZendCon-2014 phpng-php7.pdf

How to Download, Build, Install and Test

Note: For anonymous checkout, use instead of

mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
git clone
cd php-src
./configure \
    --prefix=$HOME/tmp/usr \
    --with-config-file-path=$HOME/tmp/usr/etc \
    --enable-mbstring \
    --enable-zip \
    --enable-bcmath \
    --enable-pcntl \
    --enable-ftp \
    --enable-exif \
    --enable-calendar \
    --enable-sysvmsg \
    --enable-sysvsem \
    --enable-sysvshm \
    --enable-wddx \
    --with-curl \
    --with-mcrypt \
    --with-iconv \
    --with-gmp \
    --with-pspell \
    --with-gd \
    --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
    --with-png-dir=/usr \
    --with-zlib-dir=/usr \
    --with-xpm-dir=/usr \
    --with-freetype-dir=/usr \
    --with-t1lib=/usr \
    --enable-gd-native-ttf \
    --enable-gd-jis-conv \
    --with-openssl \
    --with-mysql=/usr \
    --with-pdo-mysql=/usr \
    --with-gettext=/usr \
    --with-zlib=/usr \
    --with-bz2=/usr \
    --with-recode=/usr \
make install
mkdir $HOME/tmp/usr/etc
vi $HOME/tmp/usr/etc/php.ini

Now PHP must be installed and configured. The final check.

$ sapi/cli/php -v
PHP 7.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Apr 28 2014 11:13:04) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.7.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies

You may run synthetic benchmarks

$ sapi/cli/php Zend/bench.php
$ sapi/cli/php Zend/micro_bench.php

You may measure the performance of some web applications

$ sapi/cgi/php-cgi -T 1000 /var/www/html/wordpress/index.php > /dev/null''

You may do the same with callgrind profiler

$ valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --separate-recs=1 sapi/cgi/php-cgi -T 100 /var/www/html/wordpress/index.php > /dev/null

Finally, you may run PHP as FastCGI server using CGI SAPI or FPM (it requires additional configuration)

$ PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=4 PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=0 sapi/cgi/php-cgi -b /tmp/fcgi-php

I would recommend build PHP from master and phpng branches and compare their performance

Supported SAPI

Supported Extensions

Unsupported Extensions (not converted yet)

Incompatibilities (made on purpose and are not going to be fixed)

  1. PHPNG doesn't keep original values of arguments passed to user functions, so func_get_arg() and func_get_args() will return current value of argument instead of the actually passed. The following code is going to be affected “function foo($x) { $x = 2; return func_get_arg(0);} var_dump(foo(1));”
    • tests/lang/func_get_arg.001.phpt
    • tests/lang/func_get_args.004.phpt
  2. Function parameters with duplicate name are not allowed anymore. Definitions like “function foo($x,$x) {}” will lead to compile time error “Redefinition of parameter”
    • Zend/tests/bug54013.phpt
    • Zend/tests/bug64515.phpt
  3. var_dump() may print recursive data structures differently
    • Zend/tests/closure_026.phpt
  4. Passing scalars by reference may behave differently, because they don't have reference counters anymore

Known Problems

Future Engine Optimization Ideas

Performance Evaluation

We constantly measure the performance evaluation using the following 4 tests

sapi/cli/php ../Zend/bench.php
valgrind --tool=callgrind sapi/cli/php ../Zend/bench.php
sapi/cgi/php-cgi -T 1000 /var/www/html/bench/wordpress-3.6/index.php > /dev/null
valgrind --tool=callgrind sapi/cgi/php-cgi -T 100 /var/www/html/bench/wordpress-3.6/index.php > /dev/null
date bench.php (sec) bench.php (instr) WordPress (sec) WordPress (instr) Comments
20.01.2014 2.115 11,066,515,044 26.756 9,413,106,833Master branch before split
18.02.2014 1.898 11,120,470,518 Refactored engine is able to run bench.php wthout OPCache
21.02.2014 1.830 10,969,942,729
28.02.2014 1.941 11,273,346,956
07.03.2014 1.906 11,280,441,681
14.03.2014 1.941 11,251,497,687
21.03.2014 1.941 11,309,008,450
28.03.2014 1.821 10,388,772,172 Engine and core extensions mainly work
04.04.2014 1.571 8,794,394,256 23.676 7,472,466,470OPCache works without fast_shutdown
11.04.2014 1.559 8,666,353,378 22.592 7,186,015,829
18.04.2014 1.515 8,568,559,126 21.503 6,649,116,129
25.04.2014 1.492 8,306,525,457 20.857 6,170,736,000merged with mainstream master
05.05.2014 1.414 8,168,362,858 18.957 5,090,427,768ext/json support
18.05.2014 1.490 8,203,816,181 18.913 5,131,213,25117 extensions left
26.05.2014 1.432 8,204,890,934 18.245 4,992,096,207zend_hash API optimization
03.06.2014 1.492 8,193,509,303 17.403 4,747,230,312immutable arrays
09.06.2014 1.497 8,187,248,085 16.540 4,307,808,050refcounting, PCRE with JIT
30.06.2014 1.412 7,833,554,758 15.940 4,054,164,255arena, mysqlnd, call frame
09.07.2014 1.367 7,596,383,636 15.850 3,994,171,799call frame optimization
14.07.2014 1.407 7,601,792,205 14.810 3,627,440,773fast_zpp, built-ins
15.08.2014 1.350 7,602,520,254 14.864 3,641,452,019merged into master
02.09.2014 1.302 7,534,391,801 14.150 3,407,124,896new MM, int64, AST, zend_ini
07.10.2014 1.219 7,255,184,064 13.890 3,234,526,595many small optimizations
21.11.2014 1.201 7,171,414,831 13.430 3,138,706,949many small optimizations
31.12.2014 1.159 6,867,449,070 12.629 2,899,707,051
19.03.2015 0.837 5,817,002,981 11.756 2,620,187,238-DHAVE_GCC_GLOBAL_REGS=1
30.04.2015 0.777 5,292,555,476 11.081 2,483,106,468
03.12.2015 0.756 4,956,752,140 10.398 2,370,938,1427.0.0 release

more benchmarks