RFC is under the BSD License
Discussion List
This document is to outline the RFC Policy structures.
This is the document to outline the process by which the PEAR Group will fullfil its constitutional duty of Create and vote on actual language for all official PEAR policy that affects more than 1 collective (simple majority approves policy)
This process supersedes previous mechanisms for creating RFCs
Approach & Requirements
In order to propose an RFC, this document must be followed consistently.
RFC - Request for Comments
Proposal - An
RFC that hasn't been voted on by the PEAR group and accepted
Sponsor - a PEAR Group member who agrees to coordinate the process of turning an
RFC from a proposal to accepted policy.
Approval Process
A proposal is sponsored by a PEAR Group member
The PEAR Group reviews the proposal and accepts it for public review by majority vote
The proposal's sponsor puts it forward for vote by the PEAR group
The proposal is approved by simple majority of the PEAR Group as defined in the constitution
The proposal takes effect and becomes official policy when it is published in the PEAR manual at
All approved proposals will be published to the RFC section in the manual
Information from the proposals should be put directly in appropriate sections of the manual with links to the full RFC provided
The document should be created in plain text, a template is provided
Document Outline
All proposals should contain the following sections
Document Information
Author Information
Legal Information
Discussion List
Approach & Requirements
Security Considerations
Possible Problems
Please see:
Security Considerations
Possible Problems