If you are a user of PEAR and have wanted to contribute to an open source project, here's a great opportunity.
We run a bug day every 3 weeks or so, on irc.efnet.org #pear & #pear-bugs across two days.
We basically try to improve the quality of incoming bugs - write test cases, make sure they are reproducible.We also try to boost overall code quality - unit tests, documentation and other improvements.
If you've got a package you use commonly, or bugs you filed some time ago that haven't been fixed; this is a good time to get involved.
Join us on December 27th-28th; or pop into irc.efnet.org #pear to say hello and ask questions.
See also http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=rslkppoio4rtq6nm7b6fptclfo%40group.calendar.google.com