Brett will be traveling to a conference during this meeting, so he may be unable to attend. If someone else could take down minutes that would be great. Otherwise, send a log to me and I'll write it up.
Helgi has access to the new server. More work needs to be done setting up pearweb. Helgi will plan on a data transfer within the next 2 weeks.
Group members present stated that the QA team should handle this.
This was discussed on pear-group and most agreed that workday would be fine. Helgi suggested starting a thread to get consensus on a time.
Christian has updated the conversion script to generate valid docbook 5, and is working with phd to build the pear manual. Christian hopes to have everything working by next weekend. The changes allow re-building the manual in 45 seconds, compared to 40 minutes with the old build system.
Christian will initiate voting on the mailing list.
The group previously had voted to extend the PEAR2 standards. Helgi suggested the group complete a review of the standards on the mailing list.
Josh suggested we edit the standards to have a base doc which references the detailed RFCs for individual sections.
The next meeting will be October 26th, 2008.