Table of Contents

Benchmark Creation

The original application is

Better benchmarks describes the goals of the better benchmark RFC, to contact details, mailing list, etc.


Project Plan

Late may and early June: Research and start coding on the CLI-version of the benchmark suite. This involves porting necessarily benchmarks and place them in the benchmark suite.

Mid June: The CLI version of the benchmark suite should have a clear shape.

Mid June - Early July: The CLI-application should be totally complete and work should be focused on the web applications such as phpBB, worpress, joomla and/or SugarCRM. Depending on the CLI-application, this date might be moved more towards June.

Early July: Work on the web application should start.

Early August: The first web application should be finished or almost done.

August 10th - August 17th: Buffert week for problems, documentation, bug checking etc.