PhD Usage

First, check out the internal help information:

$ phd -h

PhD version: 0.2.4
Copyright (c) 2008 The PHP Documentation Group

  --verbose <int>            Adjusts the verbosity level

  -f <formatname>
  --format <formatname>      The build format to use

  -t <themename>
  --theme <themename>        The theme to use

  -i <bool>
  --index <bool>             Index before rendering (default) or load from cache (false)

  -d <filename>
  --docbook <filename>       The Docbook file to render from

  -p <id[=bool]>
  --partial <id[=bool]>      The ID to render, optionally skipping its children chunks (default to true; render children)

  -s <id[=bool]>
  --skip <id[=bool]>         The ID to skip, optionally skipping its children chunks (default to true; skip children)

  -l <formats/themes>
  --list <formats/themes>    Print out the supported formats/themes (default: both)

  -o <directory>
  --output <directory>       The output directory (default: .)

  -c <color>
  --color <color>            Enable color output when output is to a terminal, 
                             optionally specify numerical color value (default: false)

  --version                  Print the PhD version information

  --help                     This help

Descriptions of each argument
