====== PHP.net web management ====== This wiki section relates to most php.net services, which are located in our [[https://github.com/php|GitHub]] repositories prefixed with web-* there. Services such as: ===== GIT repositories related to web stuff ===== Note: Most development takes place under master, and rarely are branches/tags used within the web-* repositories. * [[https://github.com/php/web-doc|web-doc]]: For documentation management (doc.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-doc-editor|web-doc-editor]]: The online doc editor (edit.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-gcov|web-gcov]]: Runs the tests and code coverage code (gcov.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-pecl|web-pecl]]: The PECL website (pecl.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-php|web-php]]: The main PHP website (www.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-bugs|web-bugs]]: For bugs (bugs.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-master|php-master]]: For administration tools and services (main.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-news|web-news]]: The news/lists (news.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-people|web-people]]: For showing PHP people (people.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-wiki|web-wiki]]: This wiki (wiki.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-windows|web-windows]]: The Windows website (windows.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-pres2|web-pres2]]: For running the talks (talks.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/presentations|presentations]]: The presentations used by pres2 (talks.php.net) * [[https://github.com/php/web-qa|web-qa]]: For Quality Assurance (qa.php.net) ===== Web Redesign : 2009-2013 ===== The php.net site (web-php) was redesigned over the course of 4 years. The [[web/redesign|redesign]] goals focus on improved user experience in a variety of ways. Discussion took place on the php-webmaster mailing list and within this wiki. The links below were helpful during the process, but the end result differs from what was discussed for various reasons. * [[web/redesign/sitemap|Sitemap]]: Discussions surrounding the sitemap and how PHP.net content will be grouped * [[web/redesign/mockups|Mockups]]: Several mockups for the redesign * [[web/redesign/howtohelp|Howtohelp]]: Task and idea list of how to join the effort ===== Misc web related stuff ===== * How to create a [[web:mirror|php.net mirror from GIT]] * Random other [[web/howtohelp|php.net things to work on]]