**Hi, and welcome to the [[https://github.com/php/php-src/tree/master/ext/imap|Imap Extension]] TODO List!** ====== Situation ====== The IMAP extension, while used across many open projects, has a ton of bugs and performs poorly when compared to user-space implementations like [[https://github.com/horde/Imap_Client|Horde/Imap_Client]]. The library on which this extension's based, [[https://www.washington.edu/imap/|c-client]], is unmaintained since 2011. We need to formulate a plan to either (a) accept the extensions for what it is and just fix bugs or (b) reboot the extension from the ground up. Help wanted to steer and implement. ====== Roadmap ====== - [[todo:ext:imap:xoauth2|Add support for XOAUTH2 authentication]] - [[https://bugs.php.net/search.php?search_for=&boolean=0&limit=All&order_by=&direction=DESC&cmd=display&status=Open&bug_type=Bug&project=All&package_name%5B%5D=IMAP+related&php_os=&phpver=&cve_id=&assign=&author_email=&bug_age=0&bug_updated=0&commented_by=|Fix bugs]] - [[https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=78572|Discuss rebooting the IMAP extension]]