====== The PHP.net wiki ====== Welcome to the PHP Wiki pages! This wiki is mainly used to track internal development of the PHP project, so feel free to scour the wiki and join the project. You can view a list of [[/?do=recent|recently changed pages]]. ====== PHP Wiki TOC ====== ==== PHP Runtime ==== * [[RFC|Request For Comments]] (change proposals) * The [[TODO|TODO]] lists * [[QA|QA]] Quality Assurance * [[Internals]] documentation * [[internals:engine|Zend Engine]] documentation and FAQ * [[internals:engine:objects|Objects]] on objects (handlers, internal class definition, creation and storage) * [[internals:zend_mm|Memory Manager]] * [[internals:extensions|Zend Extensions system]] * Platform specific: * [[internals:windows|Windows]] development and build instructions. * [[internals:review_comments|Common comments from reviewing PECL proposals]] * [[internals:references|References about Maintaining and Extending PHP]] * [[internals:release-managers|List of Current Release Managers]] ==== Subprojects ==== * [[DOC|Documentation project]] * [[PECL|PHP Extension Community Library]] * [[PEAR|PEAR Extensions and Application Repository]] * [[web|Website]] (php.net) development ==== Infrastructure ==== * [[systems|Infrastructure Inventory]] * [[systems/ci|CI systems]] * [[systems/vcs|GitHub Project]] * [[systems/tasks|System Administration Tasks]] * [[vcs/gitworkflow | Git Workflow]] * [[vcs/gitfaq|GIT Migration (GIT FAQ)]] ==== Random Bits ==== * [[ideas|Ideas to work on]] includes ideas that people might want to work on * [[GSOC|Google Summer of Code]] * [[platforms|Contacts for certain supported platforms]] * [[summits|Developer Summits]] * [[usergroups|PHP User Group Information]] ====== How do I edit a page? ====== * People with PHP.net VCS account can login using their normal PHP.net credentials * PHP.net VCS accounts have full read/write to all pages * PHP.net VCS accounts cannot use the wiki to change their password, use [[https://main.php.net/forgot.php|main.php.net]]