====== Request for Comments: Short syntax for anonymous functions ====== * Version: 1.0 * Date: 2008-03-06 * Author: Marcello Duarte * Status: Draft * First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/short-syntax-for-anonymous-functions * Other formats .. ===== Introduction ===== In some cases it is necessary that you have to pass an anonymous function to a function/method as a parameter. If your library receives uses an anonymous function, and alternatively nested anonymous functions, having the function keyword makes the code very long and unecessary unreadable. If you take a look at other languages (Ruby, Python, Groovy, Coffescript) there is a short syntax for closure using the language state block container. Maybe PHP should adopt this behaviour to make code more readable and maintainable. ===== Syntax ===== An anonymous function in php could be expressed by a typical statement block, surrounded by curly brackets. echo "hello, $name"; }; $sayHello("Chuck Norris"); // prints: hello, Chuck Norris $sayHello = { $name, $mood => echo "hello, $name. It's $mood day!"; }; $sayHello("Chuck Norris", "wonderful"); // prints: hello, Chuck Norris. It's a wonderful day! ===== Passing an anonymous function to a function ===== The syntax allows for a cleaner way to pass a an anonymous function around. return trim(strtolower($string)); }); ===== What is common use cases in other language ===== ==== Building domain specific languages ==== Some languages like Groovy and Ruby allows you to move the anonymous function outside of the list of arguments if it is the last argument of the function call, creating a interesting side effect. function describe($testedClass, callable $tests) { print ("$testedClass" . PHP_EOL); $tests(); } function it($testName, callable $test) { print(" $test" . PHP_EOL); $test(); } // because the last argument is a callable we can now: describe ("BankAccount") { it ("starts with a zero amount") { $amount = (new BankAccount())->getAmount(); if ($amount !== 0) throw new Failure("Expected 0, got $amount"); } } ===== Pros and Cons ===== ==== Pros ==== * Good for framework development when more expressive callbacks are needed * Good for DSLs * Removes bloating, unnecessary syntax * Other web languages have similar syntax * Readable ==== Cons ==== * Yet another alias * Would take distinctness from block statements * Not as searchable through search engines * Patch may be difficult to maintain in future ===== Changelog =====