====== PHP RFC: Add an Second argument to callback of preg_replace_callback ======
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2013-05-04
* Author: Xinchen Hui, laruence@php.net
* Status: Under Discussion
* First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/second_arg_to_preg_callback
===== Introduction =====
there comes a FR: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64730
the main idea basically is, in 5.5 we remove support of 'e' modifier, then comes a problem, the old codes(a real use case see https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-5.4/Zend/zend_vm_gen.php#L390):
can not be easier convert to the "callback" style.
then I have to change it to something very ugly like(a real use case see: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-5.5/Zend/zend_vm_gen.php#L390):
so I propose to add a second argument to callback(aim to php-5.5.1), which is the matched regex's index.
then we can simplify the previous codes to:
===== About Objects =====
Nikic said, a foreach look here is enough, like:
"/pattern2(.*)/" => "callback2",
foreach ($regex as $r => $c) {
$str = preg_repleace_callback($r, $c, $str);
for this idea, there some problems:
1. you have to define various functions for different regex
2. it's inefficient, since there need multiple function call, multiple argument processing etc.
===== Other Ideas =====
1. the reporter(#64730) suggest "I think it would be better if prey_replace_callback function will accept array of callbacks as a 2nd argument."
but it's can not be achieved, because(by ww dot galen at gmail dot com):
"Accepting an array of callbacks can lead to unreconcilable ambiguities. For example:
class A {
function __toString() { ... }
function __invoke($a) { ... }
function foo($a) { ... }
function foo($a) { ... }
$a = new A;
preg_replace_callback([..., ...], [$a, 'foo'], $subject);
There are three different ways of interpreting the callback argument, all equally valid:
1. `(string)$a` and `foo(...)`
2. `$a(...)` and `foo(...)`
3. `$a->foo(...)` "
2. Nikic suggest the first argument of preg_replace_callback accept array("regex" => "callback");
but it can not be achieved either , because, thinking of:
$regex = array("regex"); and there by accident is a function called regex, then the key "0" can be considered as a "regex" too.
===== Patch ======
The patch for this change is here: https://bugs.php.net/patch-display.php?bug_id=64730&patch=second_arg_rege_key.patch&revision=latest