====== PHP RFC: Named Parameters explicit opt in ======
* Version: 0.3
* Date: 2020-07-24
* Author: Chris Riley, t.carnage@gmail.com
* Status: In Discussion
* First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/renamed_parameters
===== Introduction =====
The current implementation of named parameters breaks object polymorphism.
Consider this example
interface Handler {
public function handle($message);
class RegistrationHandler implements Handler {
public function handle($registrationCommand);
class ForgottenPasswordHandler implements Handler {
public function handle($forgottenPasswordCommand);
class MessageBus {
/* ... */
public function addHandler(string $message, Handler $handler) { /* ... */ }
public function getHandler(string $messageType): Handler { /* ... */ }
public function dispatch($message)
$this->getHandler(get_class($message))->handle(message: $message);
This will raise an Error exception at runtime as you have specified an unknown
parameter name.
The situation will be further complicated if the method that is being called has a variadic
argument as in this situation no error will be raised, and the unknown parameter will
be silently included into the variadic array.
interface Pager
public function fetch($page = 0, ...$categories);
class DbPager implements Pager
public function fetch($seite = 0, ...$kategorien)
/* ... */
$dbPager = new DbPager();
$dbPager->fetch(page: 1, categories: 2);
In this situation the error passes unnoticed, and you end up retrieving the first
results page with categories 1 and 2 instead of the second page with just category
Proposals were made for resolutions to this issue however all of them require trade offs and could potentially break existing code.
I offer a new proposal which offers some advantages.
===== Proposal =====
The proposal is to make named parameters explicitly opt in using a new syntax as follows.
function callBar(Foo $:parameterName) {
$x = new Foo();
callBar(parameterName: $x);
This will enable us to resolve the polymorphism issue by restricting changes to
parameter names in child classes, without impacting existing userland code which
may rely on renaming parameters already.
If a parameter has not opted in, a compile time error will be raised:
function callBar($externalName) {
$x = new Foo();
callBar(externalName: $x); // Error: cannot call function callBar() using parameter $externalName by name.
There are pros and cons to this approach, on the one hand it reduces the usefulness of the named parameter
syntax by requiring changes to old code to enable it (although this could probably be automated fairly
easily) however using the opt in only named parameter implementation, we gain some flexibility to
tighten up the LSP rules relating to named parameter inheritance. Which allows the bugs/errors from the
introduction section to be discovered and prevented at compile time.
class Foo {
public function bar($:param) { /* ... */ }
// OK
class Bar extends Foo {
public function bar($:param) { /* ... */ }
// Compile time error cannot rename named parameter $:param (renamed to $:renamedParam)
class Baz extends Foo {
public function bar($:renamedParam) { /* ... */ }
While this could be done with the existing named parameters implementation it would break any existing code
which renames a parameter as every parameter would be subject to these rules not just those that had opted
in to allow named parameters.
In line with the existing RFC on named parameters, named parameter opt ins should follow the same rules as for
calling functions using named parameters. As such:
// OK
function foo($positional, $:named) { /* ... */ }
// Error: named parameters must follow positional parameters
function bar($:named, $positional) { /* ... */ }
Extending classes using named parameters will require that the method signature matches with regard to named
class Foo
public function bar($:namedParam) { /* ... */ }
class Bar extends Foo
public function bar($:namedParam, $:anotherNamedParam = "default") { /* ... */ }
// Error: parameter $namedParam must be declared as a named parameter
class Baz extends Foo
public function bar($namedParam, $:anotherNamedParam) { /* ... */ }
To aid users upgrading from previous PHP versions, there will **not** be an error thrown if the base class
is a PHP built in class. Instead, a deprecation warning will be raised, and the parameter will be opted in
automatically. It should be assumed by developers that the deprecation will be upgraded to an error in line
with user land code in PHP 9.0, however this shall be subject to a separate RFC at the time which can assess
how appropriate that course of action is.
====== Reflection ======
A new method isNamedParameter would be added to the ReflectionParameter class, this would return true if
the parameter can be called by name and false otherwise.
====== PHP standard library ======
It is proposed that all PHP standard functions and methods are opted in to named parameters. This will require
that some classes have parameter names updated to match the entire hierarchy as identified in the initial
RFC, to which this is a proposed enhancement.
====== Alternative syntax using Attributes ======
Many people have expressed a preference towards using attributes to control the behaviour of named parameters,
this is not mutually exclusive to this proposal. In fact this proposal could be implemented using an attribute
instead of the new $: syntax choice. Attributes may in fact provide a better solution since they could be used
to opt in entire functions, methods or classes in one go eg
class Foo {
public function bar(@@NamedParameter $param) { /* ... */ }
class Bar {
public function bar($param, $param2, $param3 ... $paramN) { /* ... */ }
class Baz {
public function foo($param, $param2, $param3 ... $paramN) { /* ... */ }
public function bar($param, $param2, $param3 ... $paramN) { /* ... */ }
public function baz($param, $param2, $param3 ... $paramN) { /* ... */ }
All the other examples in this RFC would work in the same way, this would just simplify opting in to named
parameters for userland code. This will be offered as a voting choice against my proposed $: syntax.
===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
Userland code which extends PHP built in classes and have renamed the arguments will cause a compile time
error. It is expected that this will be a very small quantity of code based on the same assumptions as the
original RFC.
===== Proposed PHP Version(s) =====
**PHP 8.0**
This would be a breaking change to the existing named parameters implementation if implemented in **8.1**, so if accepted must be delivered for **8.0**.
Due to the time constraints I have slimmed down this proposal to focus on only the breaking changes that are required for
PHP **8.0** If accepted, I intend to start a separate RFC to handle the previous renaming behaviour for **8.1** using
either the attribute or $: syntax as accepted.
===== RFC Impact =====
==== To SAPIs ====
Unknown (probably none?)
==== To Existing Extensions ====
Unknown (probably none?)
==== To Opcache ====
The naming changes should be done at compile time, so shouldn't impact Opcache from my understanding of it.
==== New Constants ====
==== php.ini Defaults ====
===== Future Scope =====
A future RFC will bring in the ability to specify different names to be used internally to the function/method
separate to the callable external name. This syntax would look like:
function foo($internalName:externalName) { /* ... */ }
as proposed originally in this RFC.
===== Proposed Voting Choices =====
Two votes:
Straight yes/no with 2/3 majority required to require opt-in for named parameters
Majority vote between the implementation options of $: or using Attributes.
===== Patches and Tests =====
No patch yet.
===== Implementation =====
===== References =====
This proposal is similar to argument labels in swift: https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Functions.html
===== Change log =====
09/07/20: V0.3
- Tightened up scope to focus on opt in and technical challenges
26/07/20: V0.2
- Dropped option 1 (rename without explicit opt in) due to concerns over feature freeze timing, this option would be better targeted at 8.1 if this RFC fails.
- Added proposed staging strategy for implementation to allay concerns over feature freeze timing
- Documented objections & rebuttals to RFC