====== PHP RFC: Property write/set visibility ====== * Version: 0.4.6 * Date: 2020-06-29 * Author: André Rømcke * Proposed PHP version: PHP 8.1 * Status: Obsolete * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/readonly_and_immutable_properties * Discussion: https://externals.io/message/110768 ===== Introduction ===== With the introduction of [[rfc:typed_properties_v2|typed properties]] in PHP 7.4, properties have become far more powerful. However there are still common scenarios where you'll need to use magic methods or methods for properties in order to deal with disconnected write/set vs read/get visibility for properties, like readonly, writeonly or immutable //like// semantic. This requires unnecessary boilerplate, makes usage less ergonomic and in the case of magic methods hurts performance. This RFC resolves this issue by proposing to allow classes to optionally declare property write/set visibility, disconnected from read/get visibility. Under this RFC, code like the following using magic methods: /** * @property-read int $id * @property-read string $name */ class User { private int $id; protected string $name; public function __construct(int $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } public function __get($property) { if (property_exists($this, $property)) { // We return value here as non public properties are "readonly" in this class return $this->$property; } throw new PropertyNotFoundException($property, static::class); } public function __set($property, $value) { if (property_exists($this, $property)) { // Here private/protected property is attempted accessed outside allowed scope, so we throw throw new PropertyReadOnlyException($property, static::class); } throw new PropertyNotFoundException($property, static::class); } public function __isset($property) { return property_exists($this, $property); } public function __unset($property) { $this->__set($property, null); } } might be written as //(Language syntax Option A)//: class User { public:private int $id; public:protected string $name; public function __construct(int $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } } or //(Language Syntax Option B)//: class User { public private(set) int $id; public protected(set) string $name; public function __construct(int $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } } ===== Main differences to previous proposals ===== This RFC is inspired by what was proposed on internals mailing list in "RFC Proposal - Attributes read/write visibility" by Amaury Bouchard, on 15 July 2012. And the syntax and semantics found in [[https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/AccessControl.html#ID18|Swift]]. In both cases the purpose is to provide for a wider set of use cases. ==== Readonly ==== This RFC allows for among others semantics proposed in [[rfc:readonly_properties|Readonly properties]] (2014, Withdrawn), by setting read/get as ''public'' and write/set as ''protected''. This RFC does however **not** introduce any native readonly keyword/attribute which would be more readable, however this provides the underlying language concepts needed for introducing a Readonly attribute later. ==== Immutability ==== This RFC allows to //simulate// what was proposed in [[rfc:immutability|Immutability]] (2018, Stale), by setting read/get as ''public'' and write/set as ''private''. This RFC does however **not** introduce any immutable knowhow in the language which JIT can optimize for, however the features here can be built upon for a native immutable keyword/attribute in the future. ==== Write once ==== This RFC does __not__ align with the semantics of the recent [[rfc:write_once_properties|Write once properties]] (2020, Declined), which is targeting a different problem. ==== Property Accessors Syntax ==== This RFC does not try to solve as wide use case as the different iterations of [[rfc:propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2|Property Accessors Syntax]] (2012, Declined) does. However what being proposed here is aligned to make sure Accessors can cleanly be added later. ===== Proposal ===== This proposal adds support for enforced write/set visibility checks for declared properties. ==== Language syntax A: "public:private" ==== The following example illustrates the basic syntax: class User { // Property is readonly in protected and public scope public:private int $id; // Property is readonly in public scope public:protected string $name; // Property is write-only in public and protected scope private:public string $newPassword; public function __construct(int $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } } The format is '':'', and if you omit the last visibility value you will like before implicit set both read and write visibility at once. ==== Language syntax B: "private(set)" ==== The following example illustrates the basic syntax: class User { // Property is readonly in protected and public scope public private(set) int $id; // Property is readonly in public scope public protected(set) string $name; // Property is write-only in public and protected scope private public(set) string $newPassword; public function __construct(int $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } } The format in this option is taken from [[https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/AccessControl.html#ID18|Swift]], and is perhaps more readable in terms of intent. It also aligns nicely with vocabulary of future Accessors proposal. Like in the other syntax proposal, if set visibility is not specified, as before the global visibility will define both read/get and write/set visibility. ==== References ==== Attempting to pass a property value outside of allowed writable scope as a reference, results in an error. ==== Reflection ==== When using reflection, methods such as ''ReflectionProperty::setAccessible()'' will work as before, it will implicit set visibility for both read/get and write/set. In order to avoid backwards compatibility issue, the following methods will get updated behavior: * ''ReflectionProperty::isPrivate()'' - Checks if property is private **for get and set visibility, or one of them** * ''ReflectionProperty::isProtected()'' - Checks if property is protected **for get and set visibility, or one of them with the remaining being public** * ''ReflectionProperty::isPublic()'' - Checks if property is public **for get and set visibility** The following methods needs to be added to detect different read vs write visibility: * ''ReflectionProperty::isSetPrivate()'' - Checks if property is writable in private * ''ReflectionProperty::isSetProtected()'' - Checks if property is writable in protected * ''ReflectionProperty::isSetPublic()'' - Checks if property is writable in public * ''ReflectionProperty::isGetPrivate()'' - Checks if property is readable in private * ''ReflectionProperty::isGetProtected()'' - Checks if property is readable in protected * ''ReflectionProperty::isGetPublic()'' - Checks if property is readable in public //TODO: ''Reflection::getModifiers()'' and ''Reflection::getModifierNames()'' will need adaption too// ===== Discussions ===== ==== Language Syntax ==== The format options being proposed here are open for discussion, and additional proposal can be made on internals list. Plain "public private $var" was on purpose skipped as it is less readable and could easily cause issues for ''Reflection::getModifierNames()''. ==== Why not a Readonly keyword/attribute ==== Several comments are pointing out that ''readonly'', ''writeonly'', ''immutable'' keywords/attributes would be more readable, and this is true. However what is proposed here is made in such a way that for instance a ''Readonly'' attribute can be introduced more easily in the future. AS in, if the language don't have a concept for write/set property visibility, then we'll end up with having to introduce reflection api that are tied in to the keyword/attribute introduced instead, as opposed to the underlying concept. ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== Code that acts on Reflection to check for visibility, //should// be adapted to take advantage of the more fine grained read or write visibility check methods. ===== Proposed PHP Version(s) ===== Next PHP version, 8.1 suggested. ===== Impact on extensions ===== More future extension code, and possible SPL code, can be written in PHP instead. This is in-line with other features already accepted for PHP 8.0. Besides that existing PHP extensions working with visibility on properties will need to be adapted. ===== Performance ===== //Performance tests will need to be done once there is an implementation of this. Both for overhead on properties, as well as measuring benefit over using magic methods.// ===== Vote ===== As this is a language change, a 2/3 majority is required. ===== References ===== * [[https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/AccessControl.html#ID18|Swift setter access level]] * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/classes#readonly-fields|C# readonly fields]], semantically similar to what is referred to as "immutable" here. * [[https://docs.rs/readonly/0.1.6/readonly/|Rust readonly create]] ===== Errata ===== //If there are any edge-cases found during implementation, they will appear here.// ===== Changelog ===== Significant changes to the RFC are noted here. * 2020-06-29 Adapt for initial feedback, add syntax proposal aligned with Swift * 2020-06-28 Simplify Reflection API proposal, add syntax alternatives for discussion * 2020-06-25 Focus on write visibility proposal * 2020-06-20 Initial early draft to get feedback on direction between visibility, readonly/immutable keywords or attributes