====== PHP RFC: Password Hashing Registry ======
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2018-10-15
* Author: Sara Golemon, pollita@php.net
* Status: Implemented (PHP 7.4)
* First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/password_registry
===== Introduction =====
The **password_*()** functions introduced a means to support standardized password hashing mechanisms for use by applications. Support for bcrypt was included in the initial launch, with argon2i and argon2id being added later (if and only if libargon was available on the system at the time of compilation.
This qualification about the availability of libargon is a complicating factor for linux distributions where the core of php-src is often kept intentionally lean, with additional extensions being provided in separate packages to be loaded only by those installations who want the additional functionality. This means that some percentage of distro package users either have a library dependency they didn't want, or lack functionality they did want.
This proposal seeks to remedy this by introducing a password hashing registry mechanism similar to the Hash extension's php_hash_register_algo() API.
===== Proposal =====
====== Internal API ======
struct php_password_algo {
const char* name; // Symbolic name of the algorithm, e.g. "argon2id"
zend_string* (*hash)(const zend_string* password, zend_array* options);
zend_bool (*verify)(const zend_string* password, const zend_string* hash);
zend_bool (*needs_rehash)(const zend_string* hash, zend_array *options);
int (*get_info)(zval *return_value, const zend_string* hash);
zend_bool (*valid)(const zend_string* hash);
PHPAPI int php_password_algo_register(const char* ident, const php_password_algo*);
PHPAPI void php_password_algo_unregister(const char* ident);
PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_default();
PHPAPI zend_string *php_password_algo_extract_ident(const zend_string* hash);
PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_find(const zend_string* ident);
PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_get_named(const zend_string* name);
PHPAPI php_password_algo* php_password_algo_identify(const zend_string* hash);
Extensions wishing to provide an algorithm implementation will setup a (typically global const) structure to contain the four method pointers and call **php_password_algo_register()** during MINIT to hook in.
The **hash**, **verify**, and **needs_rehash** method pointers function exactly as their PHP userspace functions describe, but don't require an algo ID, as this has already been determined by the exported functions in looking up the algorithm.
The **get_info** method pointer allows adding entries to an array return value for the password_get_info() userspace command. This function must return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
The **valid** method pointer is the mechanism used for determining what algorithm handler is appropriate for a given hash string. For example, only the **bcrypt** handler should return true for a hash string beginning with "$2y$". This callback may be NULL if the name alone is sufficient to identify an algorithm. For example, the bcrypt algorithm has a length check in addition to its name identifier.
Because the registry is organized as an associative array, any attempt to re-register an already present password mechanism will result in a failure.
====== Userspace API ======
An additional function, password_algos(), will be added to return a complete list of all registered password hashing algorithms as a vector. The value element will be the human hash identity which may or may not correspond to the human readable name for the algo. For example:
> print_r(password_algos());
Array (
[0] => "2y" // Ident for "bcrypt"
[1] => "argon2i"
[2] => "argon2id"
===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
Algorithm identifiers are now (nullable) strings rather than numbers. Applications correctly using the constants such as PASSWORD_DEFAULT, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, etc... will continue to function correctly.
Note that PASSWORD_DEFAULT === null.
====== Minimizing impact to BC ======
In order to minimize the impact of the above BC. we could overload the **password_hash()** and **password_needs_rehash()** methods to accept integer values 0, 1, 2, and 3 to function as aliases for DEFAULT, BCRYPT, ARGIN2I, and ARGON2ID, respectively. Using an int would therefore work, but would produce a deprecation warning. This is being presented as a separate vote below.
===== Extension Changes =====
ext/standard will continue to register the bcrypt algo, as well as argon2i and argon2id if the library is available at compile time in order to maintain compatibility with older builds. The ext/sodium extension will be extended to make "standard" an explicit dependency, then will check to see if argon2i/argon2id were registered already. If not, they will be registered by ext/sodium to produce compatible results available via dynamic load.
===== Proposed PHP Version(s) =====
===== Future Scope =====
* Review ext/sodium to see if there are additional password hashing algorithms it may be appropriate to enable.
* Consider exposing the registry to script code for the purpose of polyfill libraries.
===== Proposed Voting Choices =====
Simple 50% +1, make the password hashing system extensible via internal-only registry.
* Yes
* No
Should the above poll pass, the following 50%+1 question asks if we should additionally provide the overloaded behavior described above in "minimizing impact to BC".
* Yes
* No
Vote Open: 2018-11-06 17:00 UTC
Vote Closes: 2018-11-20 17:00 UTC
===== Patches and Tests =====
Work in progress...
* https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/3609
===== Implementation =====
- Implementation:
- Documentation: to be done.