====== PHP RFC: Make reflection setAccessible() no-op ======
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2021-06-13
* Author: Marco Pivetta
* Status: Implemented (in PHP 8.1)
* First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/make-reflection-setaccessible-no-op
===== Introduction =====
The `ext-reflection` API is designed to inspect static details of a code-base, as well as reading and manipulating runtime state and calling internal details of objects that are otherwise inaccessible.
These methods are most notably:
* `ReflectionMethod#invoke(): mixed`
* `ReflectionMethod#invokeArgs(mixed ...$args): mixed`
* `ReflectionProperty#getValue(object $object): mixed`
* `ReflectionProperty#setValue(object $object, mixed $value): void`
While breaking encapsulation principles that allow for safe coding practices, these methods are extremely valuable to tools like:
* mappers
* serializers
* debuggers
* etc.
Infrastructural instrumentation is often required to do things that are in direct conflict with encapsulation itself.
The 4 methods listed above change behavior depending on the only mutable state within the scope of `ext-reflection` classes, which is an "accessible" flag. This "accessibility" flag is steered by:
* `ReflectionMethod#setAccessible(bool $accessible): void`
* `ReflectionProperty#setAccessible(bool $accessible): void`
Attempting to use any of the above listed methods without configuring accessibility first will lead to an exception being thrown. For example:
class Foo { private $bar = 'a'; }
(new ReflectionProperty(Foo::class, 'bar'))->getValue();
https://3v4l.org/ousrD :
Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Cannot access non-public property Foo::$bar in
==== The problem with mutability ====
By having `ReflectionProperty#setAccessible()` and `ReflectionMethod#setAccessible()`, any consumer of a `ReflectionMethod` or `ReflectionProperty` that is given by a third party must ensure that `#setAccessible()` is called:
function doSomethingWithState(MyObject $o, ReflectionProperty $p) : void
$p->setAccessible(true); // wasteful safety check
In addition to that, any developer that is intentionally using the reflection API (after having evaluated its trade-off) will have to use this obnoxious syntax in order to use it at its fullest:
$p = new ReflectionProperty(MyClass::class, 'propertyName');
// now $p is usable
===== Proposal =====
This RFC proposes to:
* make `ReflectionProperty` and `ReflectionMethod` behave as if `#setAccessible(true)` had been called upfront
* make `ReflectionProperty#setAccessible()` and `ReflectionMethod#setAccessible()` no-op operations, with no side-effects nor state mutation involved
After the RFC is successfully accepted/implemented, the following code should no longer throw, improving therefore the ergonomics around reflection.
class Foo { private $bar = 'a'; }
(new ReflectionProperty(Foo::class, 'bar'))->getValue();
==== Deprecations ====
In order to ease migration to PHP 8.1, and minimize runtime side-effects, a deprecation is explicitly avoided in this RFC.
Instead, a deprecation should be introduced when a new/separate RFC plans for the removal of `ReflectionProperty#setAccessible()` and `ReflectionMethod#setAccessible()`.
Such RFC will be raised **after** the release of PHP 8.1, if this RFC is accepted.
===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
Although of minimal concern, it is true that some behavior will change:
* `ReflectionProperty#getValue()` will no longer throw an exception when used against a protected/private property
* `ReflectionProperty#setValue()` will no longer throw an exception when used against a protected/private property
* `ReflectionMethod#invoke()` will no longer throw an exception when used against a protected/private method
* `ReflectionMethod#invokeArgs()` will no longer throw an exception when used against a protected/private method
* for extensions developers, `reflection_object->ignore_visibility` no longer exists
===== Proposed PHP Version(s) =====
===== RFC Impact =====
==== To SAPIs ====
==== To Existing Extensions ====
==== To Opcache ====
==== New Constants ====
==== php.ini Defaults ====
===== Open Issues =====
===== Proposed Voting Choices =====
Accept turning `ReflectionProperty#setAccessible()` and `ReflectionMethod#setAccessible()` into a no-op? (yes/no)
===== Patches and Tests =====
===== Vote =====
This is a Yes/No vote, requiring a 2/3 majority. Voting started on 2021-06-23 and ends on 2021-07-07.
* Yes
* No