====== PHP RFC: iterable_to_array() and iterable_count() ======
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2018-06-19
* Author: Michael Moravec (php.net@majkl578.cz)
* Status: Declined
* First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/iterable_to_array-and-iterable_count
===== Introduction =====
PHP 7.1 added an //iterable// pseudo-type which is a union of array and Traversable.
Although //iterable// is very useful, sometimes it's necessary to convert it to an array (i.e. for array_*() functions or for compatibility with older code).
===== Proposal =====
PHP currently has iterator_to_array(), iterator_count() and iterator_apply().
Unfortunately these functions are incompatible with //iterable// as they only work with iterators, not arrays.
In order to transform an //iterable// to an array, one has to write code as such:
is_array($iterable) ? $iterable : iterator_to_array($iterable)
is_array($iterable) ? count($iterable) : iterator_count($iterable)
Besides being error-prone, this code makes //iterable//s much harder to work with.
In order to improve user experience and ease adoption of //iterable//s, two new functions should help mitigate the code above, basically expanding behavior of iterator_to_array() and iterator_count() to work also with arrays.
=== iterable_to_array() ===
The following code:
is_array($iterable) ? $iterable : iterator_to_array($iterable)
Is now replaced by simple:
This function's behavior is similar to iterator_to_array():
* when an array is given:
* when //$use_keys = true//: array is returned as-is, unchanged
* when //$use_keys = false//: array is returned as a //list//, similar to array_values()
* when an iterator is given:
* when //$use_keys = true//: iterator is converted to an array, preserving the keys (same behavior as iterator_to_array())
* when //$use_keys = false//: iterator is converted to an array as a list, ignoring the keys (same behavior as iterator_to_array())
In order to stay consistent with iterator_to_array(), the //$use_keys// behavior is retained.
=== iterable_count() ===
The following code:
is_array($iterable) ? count($iterable) : iterator_count($iterable)
Is now replaced by simple:
This function's behavior is similar to iterator_count():
* when an array is given: returns the number of elements contained in the array (same as count())
* when an iterator is given: returns the number of elements contained in the iterator (same as iterator_count())
===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
===== Proposed PHP Version(s) =====
next 7.x
===== RFC Impact =====
Two new SPL functions which could collide with user-land functions. Since iterable type is still quite new, the risk should be relatively low.
==== To SAPIs ====
==== To Existing Extensions ====
==== To Opcache ====
===== Future Scope =====
Since these new functions provide a superset of features provided by iterator_to_array() and iterator_count(),
these could be deprecated later on.
In case these functions gain a popularity, they could be optimized directly by VM, similar to ZEND_COUNT.
===== Vote =====
This is not a language change so simple yes/no vote with 50%+1 majority is required.
Voting starts on 2018-07-03 20:30 UTC and closes on 2018-07-16 23:00 UTC.
* Yes
* No
* Yes
* No
===== Patches and Tests =====
GitHub PR: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/3293