====== PHP RFC - Deprecate backtick operator ====== * Version: 42.0.0-epsilon * Date: 2018-02-11 * Author: WesNetmo * Status: Under Discussion * First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate-backtick-operator ===== Introduction ===== The backtick operator (''`dir D:\foo`'') is used to execute commands via shell. The same functionality is also available as ''shell_exec()''. ===== Proposal ===== This RFC proposes to deprecate (by triggering one among E_DEPRECATED, E_STRICT or E_NOTICE) it in PHP 7.3 and suggest to use ''shell_exec()'' instead: * in case PHP decided in future to use backtick enclosed strings for Unicode strings * because it is a shady way to execute a rare and dangerous operation * because it is weirdly specific to a rare operation; regexp literals, xml-strings literals are way more common use cases, but they don't have a specific string literal ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== None, the feature will continue to work until it is removed in future PHP versions, but a notice will be emitted. ===== Proposed PHP Version: ===== 7.3 ===== Voting ===== 2/3 majority will be required. ===== References ===== - [[https://externals.io/message/101823|Discussion on externals]]