====== PHP RFC: Add persistent curl share handles ====== * Version: 1.3 * Date: 2024-10-09 * Author: Eric Norris, erictnorris@gmail.com * Status: Accepted * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/curl_share_persistence * Superseded by: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/curl_share_persistence_improvement ===== Introduction ===== PHP, while generally stateless by default, occasionally provides forms of "persistence" for connections, e.g. [[https://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.constants.php#pdo.constants.attr-persistent|PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT]] for persistent PDO connections. Persistence allows PHP scripts to eliminate the overhead of establishing a connection on subsequent requests, which can improve performance and reliability. ''curl'', a popular URL transfer library made available as a core extension in PHP, provides the ability to share data between curl handles via a "share" interface. The PHP extension supports this functionality in ''curl_share_init'' and related functions. The PHP extension does not, however, support persistent curl share handles. Connections (and DNS lookups, SSL session IDs, etc.) are only shared between handles within a single SAPI request. ===== Proposal ===== This RFC proposes to enable users to create persistent curl share handles, by modifying the signature of ''curl_share_init'' to accept a persistent ID: ''curl_share_init(?array $share_options, ?string $persistent_id)''. When called with a persistent ID, the function will first check the global memory within the SAPI worker for an existing curl share handle. If found, the function will return immediately. If a curl share handle does not already exist, the function will construct a new one, apply the given share options, store it in global memory, and return it. ==== Safety ==== Since curl share handles are stateful, developers must consider whether a given ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_*'' constant is safe to use in a persistent context. * ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_CONNECT'' and ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_SSL_SESSION'' is safe to use; curl will not reuse connections between ''CurlHandle'' objects unless the connection settings (e.g. TLS client certificates) match. * ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE'' is **not** safe to use when making downstream requests on behalf of users; developers must take care to ensure that authentication cookies, etc. are not shared between separate users. * ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS'' is safe to use. * ''CURL_LOCK_DATA_PSL'' is safe to use. ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== None expected. ===== Proposed PHP Version(s) ===== Next PHP minor release. ===== RFC Impact ===== ==== To SAPIs ==== SAPIs will consume more memory proportional to the number of persistent curl share handles. ==== To Existing Extensions ==== ''curl_share_init'' in ''ext/curl'' will have a new signature. ==== To Opcache ==== None. ==== New Constants ==== None. ==== php.ini Defaults ==== None. ===== Future Scope ===== * We may want to put together an RFC in the future for a new internal API for persistence. ===== Voting Choices ===== Voting started on 2024-10-24 and will end on 2024-11-08 00:00 UTC. This vote requires a ⅔ majority: * Yes * No ===== Patches and Tests ===== * https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/15603 ===== Implementation ===== ===== References ===== * https://wiki.php.net/rfc/resource_to_object_conversion * https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/1917 - curl pull request demonstrating their position on connection reuse with TLS settings ===== Rejected Features =====