====== PHP RFC: Integrating BLAKE3 into PHP ======
Version: 0.1
Date: 2025-01-24
Author: Hans Henrik Bergan, hans@loltek.net
Status: Draft
First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/blake3
===== Introduction =====
TL;DR: Essentially, BLAKE3 provides SHA3-256–level security at considerably higher throughput.
BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash function based on the SHA3-finalist BLAKE, offering SHA3-256-like security at much higher speed. Benchmarks from /ext/hash/bench.php highlight BLAKE3's performance: it is over four times faster than SHA3-256 on AMD Ryzen 9 7950x, with BLAKE3 completing bench.php in 0.007752 seconds versus SHA3-256's 0.031518 seconds.
/ext/hash/bench.php chart on AMD Ryzen 9 7950x, excluding non-cryptographic hashes:
And here is a chart from the BLAKE3 developers:
{{ :rfc:speed.svg |}}
This RFC proposes adding BLAKE3 support to PHP, offering performance and security assurance to developers requiring hashing functionality.
===== Proposal =====
The proposal is to integrate BLAKE3 into PHP as a supported algorithm in the ext/hash extension. Developers will be able to use the familiar hash() function and related APIs to compute BLAKE3 hashes.
Example usage:
The integration will include:
Support for the blake3 algorithm in the hash() function.
Support for keyed hashing (HMAC) with hash_hmac().
Updated documentation for ext/hash to include examples and usage of BLAKE3.
===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
No backward-incompatible changes are introduced by this RFC. The addition of BLAKE3 is purely additive and does not modify existing functionality.
===== Proposed PHP Version(s) =====
This feature is proposed for inclusion in the next PHP 8.x release.
===== RFC Impact =====
==== To SAPIs ====
No impact is expected on CLI, Development web server, or embedded PHP.
==== To Existing Extensions ====
The ext/hash extension will be updated to include BLAKE3. This change will not affect other extensions.
==== To Opcache ====
There is no expected impact on Opcache.
==== New Constants ====
No new constants are introduced.
==== php.ini Defaults ====
No new php.ini settings are required for this feature.
===== Open Issues =====
There are currently no open issues related to this RFC.
===== Unaffected PHP Functionality =====
This RFC does not impact existing hashing algorithms or functionality in PHP.
===== Future Scope =====
Future enhancements to BLAKE3 support could include:
* Multi-threaded hashing for even greater performance on large inputs. There is no multithreading support in the current ext/hash apis.
* Support for extended output modes of BLAKE3 (e.g., XOF functionality). There is no XOF support in the current ext/hash apis.
===== Proposed Voting Choices =====
* Yes
* No
===== Patches and Tests =====
The implementation is available as a pull request at https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/13194. Tests have been included as part of the pull request, ensuring the correctness and reliability of the implementation.
===== Implementation =====
After approval, this section will include:
The version(s) the feature was merged into.
A link to the git commit(s).
A link to the PHP manual entry for the feature.
===== References =====
BLAKE3 Official Website: [[https://blake3.io/]]
BLAKE3 Specification: [[https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3-specs/blob/master/blake3.pdf]]
PHP Pull Request for BLAKE3 Support: [[https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/13194]]
===== Rejected Features =====
No features have been rejected during the discussion of this RFC.