====== PHP RFC: Short Closures 2.0 ====== * Version: 2.0 * Date: 2022-05-25 * Author: Nuno Maduro (enunomaduro@gmail.com) * Author: Larry Garfield (larry@garfieldtech.com) * Author: Arnaud Le Blanc (arnaud.lb@gmail.com) * Status: Declined * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/auto-capture-closure ===== Introduction ===== Anonymous functions in PHP can be verbose, in part due to the need to manually import used variables. This makes code using simple closures hard to read and understand. [[rfc:arrow_functions_v2|Arrow Functions]] were introduced in PHP 7.4 as an alternative. However, the single-expression limitation can lead to complex one-liners, or makes Arrow Functions unfit in many use-cases that would benefit from a more concise syntax. This RFC proposes an extension of the Arrow Function syntax supporting multiple statements: $guests = array_filter($users, fn ($user) { $guest = $repository->findByUserId($user->id); return $guest !== null && in_array($guest->id, $guestsIds); }); ===== Proposal ===== Short Closures extend Arrow Functions by allowing multiple statements enclosed in ''{'' and ''}'' instead of a single expression: fn (parameter_list) { statement_list; } The ''statement_list'' is a sequence of statements separated by semicolons. A ''return'' statement must be used to return a value. The syntax and behavior otherwise match those of Arrow Functions. ==== Auto capture by-value ==== Like Arrow Functions, Short Closures use auto capture by-value. When a variable used in the Short Closure is defined in the parent scope it will be automatically captured by-value. In the following example the functions $fn1, $fn2, and $fn3 behave the same: $y = 1; $fn1 = fn ($x) => $x + $y; $fn2 = fn ($x) { return $x + $y; }; $fn3 = function ($x) use ($y) { return $x + $y; }; ==== No explicit capture ==== Explicit capture is not included in the new syntax. It remains available only via the existing long-closure syntax, which only captures explicitly. Earlier versions of this proposal included mixing auto-capture and explicit capture, but it was determined that was too confusing. ==== Syntax ==== The signature accepts the same syntax as that of Arrow Functions: fn () { } fn ($a, $b) { } fn ($a, ...$args) { } // Variadic parameter fn (int $a): string { } // Type hints fn ($a = 42) { } // Parameter default value fn &($a) { } // Return by-reference fn (&$a) { } // Pass by-reference The signature must be followed by ''{'', a statement list, and ''}'': fn () { return 1; } fn () { print 1; } fn () { $tmp = $a + $b; return $tmp; } Note that Short Closures with a multi-statement body do not have an implicit return value. A ''return'' statement must be used to return a value. The syntax choice here is consistent with other language constructs: * ''{ ... }'' denotes a statement list, without implicit return value. * Conversely, the ''=>'' token is followed by an expression in all circumstances. (Arrow Functions, arrays, and ''match()''.) * The ''fn'' keyword indicates a function that will auto-capture variables, by-value. * The ''function'' keyword indicates a function that has no auto-capture. These rules are easily recognizable and learnable by developers. ===== Why extend Arrow Functions? ===== Arrow Functions were added as an alternative to Anonymous Functions. The latter can be quite verbose, even when they only perform a simple operation. This is due to a large amount of syntactic boilerplate that is needed to manually import used variables with the ''use'' keyword. While Arrow Functions solve this problem to some extent, the one-expression limit can lead to one-liners with non ideal readability, or can make them unfit for some use-cases. There are ample cases where breaking an expression to 2-3 statements is required or would improve the legibility of the code. As an example, writing the following code snippet with a single-expression Arrow Function would degrade legibility, but writing it as an Anonymous Function would be cumbersome: $guests = array_filter($users, fn ($user) { $guest = $repository->findByUserId($user->id); return $guest !== null && in_array($guest->id, $guestsIds); }); ===== Discussion on auto-capture ===== Auto capture was first introduced by Arrow Functions. In the past, there had been reticence about auto-capture that has kept it out of evolutions in closures. Mostly that has boiled down to a few concerns: Implementation difficulties, performance, and debugability. Implementation difficulties arise from by-reference or by-variable semantics, especially when supporting dynamic means of accessing variables like variable-variables, compact(), or eval(). In this proposal and in Arrow Functions, the implementation difficulties are eliminated by using by-value semantics and requiring dynamically accessed variables to be captured explicitly. As noted in the benchmarks section, the implementation offered here has effectively no performance impact either way. In the majority of cases where closures are used in practice, the code involved is short enough that debugging is not hampered by automatic capture. They are usually only a few lines long, easily small enough to fit into a developer's short term memory while reading it. What variables are captured is visually self-evident. Potential confusing behavior is further mitigated by PHP's (correct) use of by-value capture, which minimizes the potential for inadvertent confusing changes to values from closures. Furthermore, as noted PHP is unusual in requiring explicit capture. The only other language that does so is C++. Most languages get along fine without that extra step. For those few cases in which, for whatever reason, the developer is concerned about auto-capture reducing debugability or about accidental capture, the existing explicit-only syntax remains valid and unchanged. ==== Using variables from the parent block ==== Using variables from the parent block is not unusual in PHP. We do it all the time in loops. In the following example, the loop uses three variables from the parent block. We have learned to recognize that what follows a ''foreach'', ''for'', or ''while'' keyword can do that. $guests = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $guest = $repository->findByUserId($user->id); if ($guest !== null && in_array($guest->id, $guestsIds)) { $guests[] = $guest; } } In the following example, the function uses two variables from the parent block, which should not be more surprising than with a loop once we have learned that what follows a ''fn'' keyword can do that, like we did with ''foreach''. $guests = array_filter($users, fn ($user) { $guest = $repository->findByUserId($user->id); return $guest !== null && in_array($guest->id, $guestsIds); }); However the comparison stops here. These two examples do not behave equally with regard to side effects: Variable assignments to the ''$guest'' and ''$user'' variables in the loop can be observed after the loop, but the same is not true with the Short Closure. ==== Capture is by-value, no unintended side-effects ==== It is important to note that the default capture mode in Anonymous Functions, Arrow Functions, and Short Closures is by-value. This purposefully differs from the semantics commonly found in other programming languages. A by-value capture means that it is not possible to modify any variables from the outer scope: $a = 1; $f = fn () { $a++; // Has no effect outside of the function $tmp = $a + 1; // Has no effect outside of the function return $tmp; }; print $a; // prints "1" $f(); print $a; // prints "1" (again) Conversely, the outer scope cannot modify variables in the function: $a = 1; $f = fn () { print $a; }; $f(); // prints "1" $a = 2; $f(); // prints "1" (again) Because variables are bound by-value, the confusing behaviors often associated with closures do not exist. As an example, the following code snippet demonstrates such a behavior in JavaScript: // JavaScript var fns = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fns.push(function() { console.log(i); }); } for (var k in fns) { var fn = fns[k]; fn(); // Prints "3", "3", "3" } In PHP the behavior is intuitive and less confusing: // PHP $fns = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $fns[] = fn () { print $i; }; } foreach ($fns as $fn) { $fn(); // Prints "0", "1", "2" } In JavaScript the same output can be obtained by declaring ''i'' with the ''let'' keyword. Using the ''var'' keyword, and loops, is largely discouraged. However ''i'' is still captured by-variable (not to be confused with by-value), so the anonymous functions can still modify the value of ''i''. A different behavior can be obtained with the ''const'' keyword. In PHP, the variable is captured by-value, thus entirely avoiding the confusion. Of course, functions can have side-effects when accessing mutable values such as objects or resources. The following example demonstrates this: $d = new DateTime(); $fn1 = fn () { $d->modify('+ 1 day'); // Has an effect on the object bound to $d }; $fn2 = function () use ($d) { $d->modify('+ 1 day'); // Has an effect on the object bound to $d }; $fn3 = function (DateTime $d) { $d->modify('+ 1 day'); // Has an effect on the object bound to $d }; ===== Auto-capture semantics ===== The RFC inherits the auto-capture semantics of Arrow Functions. These semantics can be stated as follows: > Short Closures can access a snapshot of the variable bindings of their declaring scope by accessing variables literally. The snapshot is taken when the function is declared. Assignments to variables do not have an effect on the declaring scope. This can also be stated as follows: > Short Closures can read variables of their declaring scope by accessing variables literally. The values of these variables are the ones that were bound to them at function declaration. Assignments to variables do not have an effect on the declaring scope. This is implemented by binding the value of the declaring scope variables to local variables in the function. This is referred to as //capture// in this RFC. This RFC leaves unspecified which variables are captured, as long as these semantics are maintained. ==== Optimization ==== A naive approach would capture //all// the variables that are accessed literally by the closure. This will commonly capture variables that are not necessary to maintain these semantics. In the following example, the variable ''$tmp'' would be captured although this is not necessary because it is always assigned before being read (remember that variable assignments do not have an effect outside of the closure). $tmp = 5; fn () { $tmp = foo(); bar($tmp); return $tmp; } This approach would result in a waste of memory or CPU usage. The implementation proposed in this RFC prevents this by attempting to capture the smallest possible set of variables necessary to maintain these semantics. In practice, Short Closures end up capturing the same set of variables that Anonymous Functions with a manually curated capture list would have captured. This was observed on the PHPStan code base by converting all Anonymous Functions to Short Closures, and looking at which variables were automatically captured after that. These implementation details are irrelevant for most purposes, as they do not have an effect on the behavior of the program, apart from the marginal cases listed in the next subsection. However, the exact behavior can be defined as follows: * If there is a possibility that a variable may be read by the function before binding it, it is captured * When inspecting the code, the following operations are assumed to always bind a variable without reading it: * Variable assignments * Variable assignments by reference * ''global'' * ''static'' * ''unset()'' * This excludes assignments to object properties (they never bind the variable), assignments to array dimensions (they read the variable) * In all other situations in which a variable is used, it is assumed that it is read This optimization is not applied to Arrow Functions because variable bindings are unusual in these functions. ==== Observable effects of capture ==== As long as the semantics are maintained, whether a variable is captured or not is largely irrelevant for most purposes, and can be observed only in marginal cases. These cases are listed here. * When debugging: Whether a variable is captured or not may be visible in the list of variables in scope in debuggers. Captured variables are local variables in the Closure, initialized to the captured value.\\ \\ * Via reflection: Captured variables will be visible in ReflectionFunction.\\ \\ * Via dynamic variable access: Means to access variables dynamically, such as the variable-variable syntax or the ''compact()'' function, whose use is largely discouraged in modern PHP, can only see variables that are captured.\\ \\ * Via destructors: Capture can extend the lifetime of objects. Optimized capture will prevent this when the variable holding the object is never read before being written by the Closure. An observable effect is that a destructor would be called later if the object was captured. Note that destructor timing is undefined in PHP, especially when reference cycles exist.\\ \\ * Via resource usage: Capturing too much could increase memory or CPU usage. The optimized capture used in this RFC prevents this. It ends up capturing the same variables that would have been captured by a manually curated ''use'' list. ==== Implementation details ==== The capture analysis used in this RFC will only capture the variables that may be read before being assigned by the function. This uses the Optimizer's implementation of [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live-variable_analysis|live-variable analysis]]. This maintains the semantics described earlier, so an understanding of these semantics is enough to reason about Short Closures. ===== Benchmarks ===== In benchmarks, the implementation in the 1.0 version of this RFC showed a notable CPU and memory increase when using auto-capturing multi-statement closure in some cases. The 2.0 version, proposed here, has only marginal impact compared to PHP 8.1, well within the margin of error for profiling tools. In some cases the profiling run shows the Short Closure version being slightly more performant, which is likely just random test jitter between runs. We therefore conclude that the performance impact of this approach is effectively zero. The capture analysis approach described above makes Short Closures as efficient as Anonymous Functions. For more benchmark details, see: https://gist.github.com/arnaud-lb/d9adfbf786ce9e37c7157b0f9c8d8e13 ===== What about Anonymous Functions? ===== The existing Anonymous Function syntax remains valid, and there is no intent to deprecate it. ===== Multi-line expressions ===== There has been related discussion of multi-line expressions, specifically in the context of ''match()'' arms. We considered whether multi-line expressions made sense as an alternative approach, but decided against it as that introduces considerably more edge cases both syntactically and in the engine. As a side benefit, the syntax proposed here does offer a somewhat round-about way to have a multi-line ''match()'' arm. This is not a deliberate feature of the RFC, but more of a convenient side-effect noted here for completeness. $b = ...; $c = ...; $ret = match ($a) { 1, 3, 5 => (fn () { $val = $a * $b; return $val * $c; })(), 2, 4, 6 => (fn () { $val = $a + $b; return $val + $c; })(), }; While sub-optimal, it may be sufficient for the few times that a multi-statement ''match()'' arm is needed. ===== Comparison to other languages ===== As far as we are aware, only two languages in widespread use require variables to be explicitly closed over: PHP and C++. All other major languages capture implicitly, as is proposed here. Languages commonly capture by-variable (not to be confused with by-value) or by reference. In practice this can lead to confusing effects, especially in loops. For that reason, PHP defaults to capturing by-value, which avoids this problem. This is discussed above in this RFC, as well as in [[rfc:arrow_functions_v2#binding_behavior|Arrow Functions]]. ===== History ===== The first discussion [[https://externals.io/message/28399|1]] around Anonymous Functions was objected to because of the lack of closures: It would be unusual for anonymous functions to not support closures, which would surprise users and limit the usefulness of the construct. At the same time, objections against closures cited implementation difficulties and performance issues, as well as potential complexity or pitfalls most commonly found in other programming languages. In the same and subsequent discussions [[https://externals.io/message/34040|2]] [[https://externals.io/message/38290|3]] a solution was proposed to use explicit capture with a new keyword, ''lexical'', close in many aspects to the ''global'' keyword. Alternative syntaxes were later proposed that would allow to choose between by-reference and by-value capture, ultimately leading to the current ''use($x)'' syntax. It is unclear whether this was chosen because of technical concerns or concerns over semantics. Objections focusing on semantics appear to have been based on those most commonly found in other programming languages. These semantics differ significantly from what is proposed here. For instance, objections cite the possibility of a kind of side-effects that would not exist with by-value capture. Discussions do not appear to have occurred in the light of by-value semantics. The [[rfc:short_closures|Short Closures 1.0]] RFC was declined for three main reasons [[https://externals.io/message/88394#88507|4]]: The syntax, the lack of type declarations, and implicit capture. Objections to implicit closures appear to be based on semantics that do not exist in the current RFC. The [[rfc:arrow_functions_v2|Arrow Functions 2.0]] RFC was accepted with a large majority. Compared to the Short Closures 1.0 RFC, it addressed the syntax and type hints concerns, limited the body to only one expression, and kept implicit closure by-value. ===== Alternative implementations ===== A few people suggested implementing the same functionality via a different syntax, that is, basing it on the long-closure syntax with a ''use(*)'' or ''use(...)'' syntax to indicate "capture everything that makes sense" rather than building on the short-closure syntax which already "captures everything that makes sense." The resulting behavior in either case would be identical, making it a largely aesthetic or philosophical distinction. The authors felt that the more compact syntax is preferable, for several reasons: - The longer form introduces more visual noise to achieve the same result. - PHP developers have been using the ''fn()'' syntax for a number of years now, and should be sufficiently familiar with the concept of auto-capture. - With the improved capture logic, many of the arguments for the explicit capture syntax go away. - Using the longer ''function'' keyword without a ''use'' statement at all would be a semantic BC break, which is not acceptable. - If converting from a single line short-lambda to a 2 line closure, switching to the long-form syntax is more work than just switching ''=>'' for ''{}''. For those reasons, the authors went with the ''fn()''-derived syntax shown here. ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== None. ===== Proposed PHP Version(s) ===== PHP 8.2. ===== Open Issues ===== None. ===== Unaffected PHP Functionality ===== Existing function syntaxes continues to work precisely as they do now. Only new combinations are possible. ===== Future Scope ===== These are some possible future extensions, but the authors don't necessarily endorse them. ==== Explicit use list on Short Closures ==== It would be possible to extend the Short Closure syntax to allow an explicit use list: $fn = fn () use ($a, &$b) { }; One anticipated use-case is to selectively capture some variables by-reference. There are at least two possible variations of this extension. In one of them, the use list is merged with auto-capture, so that explicit uses and auto-capture can coexist on the same function. In another the use list disables auto-capture on the function. This RFC initially proposed the first possibility. This is not included in the current version because this appeared to create confusion. ==== Optimize Arrow Functions ==== This RFC proposes an optimized auto-capture. It would be possible to apply this optimization to Arrow Functions as well, but this would be a breaking change in some rare cases. This is not included in this RFC because most Arrow Functions would not benefit from this. ===== Vote ===== This is a simple Yes/No vote, requiring 2/3 to pass. Vote ends on 15 July 2022. * Yes * No ===== Patches and Tests ===== Pull Request: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/8330 ===== Implementation ===== After the project is implemented, this section should contain - the version(s) it was merged into - a link to the git commit(s) - a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature - a link to the language specification section (if any) ===== References ===== * [[rfc:short-functions|PHP RFC: Short Functions]] * [[rfc:arrow_functions_v2|PHP RFC: Arrow Functions]] * [[rfc:short_closures|PHP RFC: Short Closures 1.0]] ===== Changelog ===== 2.0: Updated for new patch; reduced discussion of short-function RFC and related topics; expanded discussion of the capture rules and noted benchmarks showing minimal performance impact; renamed to "Short Closures 2.0"