====== PHP RFC: Asymmetric Visibility v2 ====== * Version: 2.0 * Date: 2024-05-09 * Author: Ilija Tovilo (tovilo.ilija@gmail.com), Larry Garfield (larry@garfieldtech.com) * Status: Implemented * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/asymmetric-visibility-v2 * Implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/15063 ===== Introduction ===== PHP has long had the ability to control the visibility of object properties -- ''public'', ''private'', or ''protected''. However, that control is always the same for both ''get'' and ''set'' operations. That is, they are "symmetric." This RFC proposes to allow properties to have separate ("asymmetric") visibility, with separate visibility for read and write operations. The syntax is mostly borrowed from Swift. ===== Proposal ===== This RFC provides a new syntax for declaring the "set" operation visibility of an object property. Specifically: class Foo { public private(set) string $bar = 'baz'; } $foo = new Foo(); var_dump($foo->bar); // prints "baz" $foo->bar = 'beep'; // Visibility error This code declares a property ''$bar'' that may be read from ''public'' scope but may only be modified from ''private'' scope. It may also be declared ''protected(set)'' to allow the property to be set from any ''protected'' scope (that is, child classes). The behavior of the property is otherwise unchanged, aside from the restricted visibility. Asymmetric visibility properties may also be used with constructor property promotion: class Foo { public function __construct( public private(set) string $bar, ) {} } ==== Abbreviated form ==== One of the most common use cases, we expect, will be a property that is publicly readable but has a reduced set-visibility. PHP properties are already implicitly publicly readable if not otherwise specified. To support this case, if a set visibility is specified then a ''public'' get visibility may be omitted. That is, the following pairs are equivalent: public private(set) string $foo; private(set) string $foo; public protected(set) string $foo; protected(set) string $foo; In practice, this means a "limited mutability" struct class could be implemented as follows: class Book { public function __construct( private(set) string $title, private(set) Author $author, private(set) int $pubYear, ) {} } Which is very similar to the common pattern of all-''readonly'' properties, but does allow for controlled mutation within the class's own methods. ==== References ==== While a reference to a property with restricted ''set'' visibility may still be obtained, it may only be obtained from a scope that would allow writing. Put another way, obtaining a reference to a property follows the ''set'' visibility, not the ''get'' visibility. Trying to obtain a reference to a property with a more restrictive scope will result in an error. For example: class Foo { public protected(set) int $bar = 0; public function test() { // This is allowed, because it's private scope. $bar = &$this->bar; $bar++; } } class Baz extends Foo { public function stuff() { // This is allowed, because it's protected scope. $bar = &$this->bar; $bar++; } } $foo = new Foo(); // This is fine, because the update via reference is // inside the method, thus private scope. $foo->test(); // This is also fine. $baz = new Baz(); $baz->stuff(); // Getting this reference is not allowed here, because this is public // scope but the property is only settable from protected scope. $bar = &$foo->bar; ==== Array properties ==== As with property hooks, arrays require special consideration with asymmetric visibility, and for the same reason: writing to an array property technically involves obtaining a reference to it first, which as noted in the previous section means it will follow ''set'' visibility, not ''get'' visibility. That means an array property may not be appended or written to unless it's public-set. class Test { public function __construct(public private(set) array $arr = []) {} public function addItem(string $v): void { // This is in private scope, so fully legal. $this->arr[] = $v; } } $t = new Test(); $t->addItem('beep'); // Legal var_dump($t->arr); // Legal $t->arr[] = 'boop'; // Not allowed. This behavior should be less surprising than with hooks, since writing to an array with private set-visibility is already self-evidently wrong. ==== Object properties ==== If the property is an object, the restricted visibility applies only to changing the object referenced by the property. It does not impact the object itself. That is consistent with the behavior of the ''readonly'' marker. Example: class Bar { public string $name = 'beep'; } class Foo { public private(set) Bar $bar; } $f = new Foo(); // This is allowed $f->bar->name = 'boop'; // This is NOT allowed $f->bar = new Bar(); ==== Permitted visibility ==== The ''set'' visibility, if specified explicitly, MUST be equal to or lesser than the main (''get'') visibility. That is, protected public(set) string $foo is not allowed. Explicitly setting the get and set visibilities to the same scope is redundant, but not harmful. However, it is sometimes necessary with ''readonly'' properties. (See the section below on ''readonly''.) ==== Inheritance ==== PHP already allows child classes to redeclare parent class properties, if and only if they have the same type and their visibility is the same or wider. That is, a ''protected string $foo'' can be overridden with ''public string $foo'' but not ''private string $foo''. This RFC continues that rule, but independently for ''get'' and ''set'' operations. One caveat, however, is that, currently, a ''private'' field is "shadowed" if redeclared in a child class; its visibility is not widened, it's a completely different property. If a property is ''protected private(set)'' only, then it's not clear if a reimplementation should create a new property (following the private rule) or not (following the protected rule). Neither one makes sense. Additionally, a ''private'' field implies the developer doesn't want to allow others to modify it, even if they extend it, and that intent should be respected. For that reason, a ''private(set)'' property is automatically ''final'' and may not be redeclared at all. (Explicitly declaring such a property final is still allowed, just redundant.) In code: class A { private string $foo; } class B extends A { public private(set) string $foo; // Implicitly final } class C extends A { public protected(set) string $foo; } class D extends C { public string $foo; } class E extends B { public protected(set) $foo; // Illegal, as it's widening a private/final property. } In this case, B::$foo is a new variable that shadows A::$foo. (That is existing PHP behavior.) So is C::$foo. D::$foo is the same property as C::$foo, just with a wider visibility. B itself can be extended, but the $foo property cannot be redeclared in a child of B. Narrowing the visibility is not allowed. class A { public string $foo; } class B extends A { // This is an error, as it's narrowing the visibility. public protected(set) string $foo; } Note that, for the purposes of visibility inheritance, the absence of an operation is treated as "never" (or narrower than ''private''). That means the following is allowed, because in the parent class there is no set operation at all, so child visibility on set will be wider than that. class P { public $answer { get => 42; } } class C extends P { public protected(set) $answer { get => 42; set => print "Why?"; } } ==== Interaction with property hooks ==== The [[rfc:property-hooks|Property Hooks]] RFC introduced the ability to insert arbitrary behavior into the ''get'' or ''set'' behavior of a property. Hooks have no impact on who may access a property, just on what happens when they do. In contrast, asymmetric visibility allows varying who may read and who may write a property independently, but has no impact on what happens when they are accessed legally. In short, the behavior of asymmetric visibility and property hooks do not interact at all, and both are fully independent of each other. There is one caveat regarding virtual properties that have no ''set'' operation. If there is no ''set'' operation defined on a property, then it is nonsensical to specify a visibility for it. That case will trigger a compile error. For example: // This will generate a compile error, as there is // no set operation on which to specify visibility. class Universe { public private(set) $answer { get => 42; } } ==== Interaction with interface properties ==== The [[rfc:property-hooks|Property Hooks]] RFC also introduced the ability for interfaces and abstract classes to declare a requirement for a public or protected (for abstract classes only) property, with ''get'' and ''set'' operations separate. It is a deliberately "lightweight" requirement. As noted in that RFC, it may be satisfied by either a hook or a traditional property, as long as the operation is available in the relevant scope. One reason for the separation of ''get'' and ''set'' requirements was to enable asymmetric visibility to satisfy the requirement as well. For example, the following is fully legal: interface Named { public string $name { get; } } class ExampleA implements Named { public protected(set) string $name; } class ExampleB implements Named { public string $name { get => 'Larry'; } } class ExampleC implements Named { public string $name; } class ExampleD implements Named { public readonly string $name; } In each case, ''ExampleX::$name'' can be read from public scope, so the interface is satisfied. If a property on an interface requires public ''set'', however, then specifying asymmetric visibility is not permitted, except in the special case of ''readonly'' (below). (Hooks, of course, are.) interface Aged { public string $age { get; set; } } class ExampleE implements Aged { // Error, because it is not publicly settable. public protected(set) $age; } ==== Relationship with readonly ==== The ''readonly'' flag, introduced in PHP 8.1, is really two flags in one: write-once and ''private(set)''. While that is sometimes sufficient, there are cases where protected-set is desired, and while few, there are use cases for public-set-once. However, it also has special case handling to allow a ''readonly'' property to be overridden by a child class without creating an entirely new property. This effectively sidesteps the whole point of private anyway. It also would create an inconsistency with an explicit ''private(set)'', which as noted above is necessarily also ''final''. We have decided the best way forward is to change the behavior of ''readonly'' to imply ''protected(set)'', not ''private(set)''. That eliminates the inconsistency in ''readonly'''s existing behavior, as well as eliminating an inconsistency with ''private(set)''. A ''readonly'' property may still be explicitly declared ''private(set)'', in which case it will also be implicitly ''final''. That is closer to what the intended behavior would have been without the odd workaround. If a ''readonly'' property is declared ''private'' generally, with no qualifier, then it will also be ''private(set)'', and thus ''final''. In code: // These create a public-read, protected-write, write-once property. public protected(set) readonly string $foo; public readonly string $foo; readonly string $foo; // These creates a public-read, private-set, write-once, final property. public private(set) readonly string $foo; private(set) readonly string $foo; // These create a public-read, public-write, write-once property. // While use cases for this configuration are likely few, // there's no intrinsic reason it should be forbidden. public public(set) readonly string $foo; public(set) readonly string $foo; // These create a private-read, private-write, write-once, final property. private private(set) readonly string $foo; private readonly string $foo; // These create a protected-read, protected-write, write-once property. protected protected(set) readonly string $foo; protected readonly string $foo; // This is illegal - set cannot be wider than get. protected public(set) readonly string $foo; If a class is marked ''readonly'', then by design its impact is identical to if every property was individually marked ''readonly''. There is no special logic there. ==== Interaction with __set and __unset ==== The behavior of __set in PHP today is rather inconsistent. When accessing a property, if __set is defined, it will be called if: - The accessed property does not exist. - The accessed property's visibility is tighter than the calling scope. - The property has been explicitly unset() The introduction of asymmetric visibility affects the second case, as it's possible now for a property to be visible but not writeable. We have opted to not modify the logic; that is, it is only the "overall" (get) visibility that can trigger calling __set. A public protected(set) property will not trigger a __set method if written to publicly; it will simply error, as though __set were not defined. A protected private(set) will, however, to be consistent with current behavior. This approach has the least impact on existing behavior, including zero BC breaks for existing code. While we do not believe it would be appropriate to expand case 2 to be triggered by set-scope specifically, it would be possible to do in the future without a BC break (as it would change an error pathway to a functional pathway) if there is a consensus to do so. Conversely, an argument can be made that, with the advent of property types, property hooks, and asymmetric visibility, the use cases for the fallback to __set on a defined property are now better covered by dedicated, more self-descriptive functionality, and case 3 above is no longer necessary. (That's one of the reasons to not expand case 2 now.) That would be a larger discussion that is out of scope for this RFC, so it makes no changes to that logic at this time. ==== Typed properties ==== Asymmetric visibility is only compatible with properties that have an explicit type specified. This is mainly due to implementation complexity. However, as any property may now be typed ''mixed'' and defaulted to ''null'', that is not a significant limitation. ==== Static properties ==== This functionality applies only to object properties. It does not apply to static properties. For various implementation reasons that is far harder, and also far less useful. It has therefore been omitted from this RFC. ==== Reflection ==== The ''ReflectionProperty'' object is given two new methods: ''isProtectedSet(): bool'' and ''isPrivateSet(): bool''. Their meaning should be self-evident. class Test { public string $open; public protected(set) string $restricted; } $rClass = new ReflectionClass(Test::class); $rOpen = $rClass->getProperty('open'); print $rOpen->isProtectedSet() ? 'Yep' : 'Nope'; // prints Nope $rRestricted = $rClass->getProperty('restricted'); print $rRestricted->isProtectedSet() ? 'Yep' : 'Nope'; // prints Yep Additionally, the two constants ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED_SET and ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE_SET are added. They are returned from ReflectionProperty::getModifiers(), analogous to the other visibility modifiers. Modifying asymmetric properties via ReflectionProperty::setValue() is allowed, just as it is for protected or private properties, even outside of the classes scope. Similarly, other techniques that bypass visibility controls, such as binding a closure to an object, will also work as expected: Once bound, the closure will have access to private variables. ===== Syntax discussion ===== Asymmetric visibility exists as a feature in several languages, most notably Swift, C#, and Kotlin. The syntactic structure varies, however. Translated to PHP, the two models would look like: // Prefix-style: class A { public private(set) string $name; } // Hook-embedded-style: class A { public string $name { private set; } } In Prefix style, the visibility is an aspect of the property itself. In Hook-embedded style, the visibility is an aspect of the property's set hook. We believe that, for PHP, Prefix-style (presented here) is the superior approach, for a number of reasons. ==== Prefix-style is more visually scannable ==== With Prefix-style, reading a property definition from left to right, one is presented with all visibility options together. By the time the user has reached the ''$'', they know all visibility information. With Hook-embedded style, ''set'' visibility may or may not be known. It would appear at the end of the line, whereas ''get'' visibility is at the start of the line. Worse, if there are actual hook implementations, the ''set'' visibility may be several lines later! class PrefixStyle { // All visibility is together in one obvious place. public private(set) string $phone { get { if (!$this->phone) { return ''; } if ($this->phone[0] === 1) { return 'US ' . $this->phone; } return 'Intl +' . $this->phone; } set { $this->phone = implode('', array_filter(fn($c) => is_numeric($c), explode($value))) } } } class HookEmbeddedStyle { public string $phone { get { if (!$this->phone) { return ''; } if ($this->phone[0] === 1) { return 'US ' . $this->phone; } return 'Intl +' . $this->phone; } // The set visibility is 10 lines away from the get visibility! private set { $this->phone = implode('', array_filter(fn($c) => is_numeric($c), explode($value))) } } } ==== Prefix-style is shorter ==== While not the most critical distinction, in the past, brevity of syntax has often been a consideration. In this case, the prefix-style is somewhat shorter: public private(set) string $name; public string $name { private set; } This is more apparent in the abbreviated form, which is only viable on the prefix-style: private(set) string $name; public string $name { private set; } var string $name { private set; } Note that if both set-visibility and a set hook are implemented, it's possible that the hook-style version would be slightly shorter, but only when the overall code including hook body is long enough that 1-2 characters wouldn't matter. ==== Prefix-style doesn't presume a connection with hooks ==== As noted above in "Interaction with hooks", visibility controls exist independently hooks. In fact, as implemented they do not interact at all. Using hook syntax for visibility controls, therefore, is surprising and confusing. There is a mental model in which it is logical; that is, if the ''{}'' after the property is considered not the "hook block" but the "operations configuration" block. The "hook block" is then only the ''=>'' or ''{}'' on the right of the operation name, whereas modifiers are on the left. That implementation would be straightforward. However, that mental model is non-obvious, and the alternative mental model (that the ''{}'' block on a property indicates the presence of hooks) is equally valid. As someone reading the code for the first time, it is not at all obvious which interpretation of the syntax should be correct. With the Prefix-style syntax, this problem does not exist and the code's meaning is self-evident. There is only one reasonable mental model: visibility modifiers go on the left, hooks go on the right. ==== It's non-obvious in Hook-embedded style what hook behavior should be implied ==== One of the caveats of hooks is that, sometimes, references on properties must be prevented. (The reasons for that are explained at length in the hooks RFC.) For example, this would be illegal: class A { public array $arr { set { if (array_filter(is_int(...), $value) === $value) { $this->arr = $value; } throw new \Exception(); } } } $a = new A(); // This is illegal, as it would bypass the set hook. $a->arr[] = 5; So "arrays with hooks can do less" is already an established fact of the language. However, if the hook-style syntax is used for visibility: class A { public array $arr { protected set; } } class B extends A { public function add(int $val) { // Should this be legal? $this->arr[] = $val; } } $b = new B(); $b->add(5); The syntax suggests that there is a set hook, and thus the assignment should not be allowed. However, there isn't really a set hook, and thus assignment should be allowed. Or maybe it shouldn't be, because there is a hook defined, even if it's the default. As noted above, there are mental models in which it's reasonable to assume there's no hook. However, that mental model is non-obvious, and there are equally valid mental models where it's reasonable to assume there is a hook. With the Prefix-style, there is only one mental model, and it's self-evident that references and array assignment are legal. There is no confusion. ==== Summary ==== For all of the above reasons, we believe that the proposed syntax, Prefix-style, is the objectively better approach for PHP. ===== Use cases and examples ===== Between ''readonly'' and property hooks, PHP already has a number of ways to do "advanced things" with properties. However, there are still gaps in capability, which this RFC aims to fill. ==== Readonly is limited ==== ''readonly'' offered the potential to have public properties that are guaranteed to not change unexpectedly. This has been a major benefit, and allowed the removal of a lot of needless boilerplate code. However, it also somewhat over-shoots: It prevents a property from changing //at all//, rather than just "unexpectedly." While fully immutable objects have their place, they are not always the answer. It is still often desireable to have a public property (for ease of read) without making it write-once. For example: class Record { private bool $dirty = false; private array $data = []; public function set($key, $val): void { $this->data[$key] = $val; $this->dirty = true; } public function isDirty(): bool { return $this->dirty; } public function save(): void { if ($this->dirty) { // Do something to save the object. $this->dirty = false; } } } It's very tempting to make ''$dirty'' a public property, as the dirty status of the object is a "property" of it. Especially with hooks, such a desire will become more common. However, that cannot be done with ''public'' or ''readonly''. Making the property ''public'' would open it up to modification from anyone at any time, whereas making it ''readonly'' would make it impossible to unset in ''save()'', and require using "uninitialized or true" as a quasi-boolean state. Both options are bad. With asymmetric visibility, it can be easily simplified to: class Record { public private(set) bool $dirty = false; private array $data = []; public function set($key, $val): void { $this->data[$key] = $val; $this->dirty = true; } public function save(): void { if ($this->dirty) { // Do something to save the object. $this->dirty = false; } } } Which now offers a publicly-readable marker, internally modifiable, with no opportunity for it to change in an uncontrolled way, without any need for odd code contortions. ==== Readonly cannot use a custom sentinel ==== A common technique in many languages is to have sentinel values to indicate that a value is unset, invalid, or otherwise not a real value. Using a value within the scope of the property's type (e.g. 0, empty string, etc.) has a host of issues, discussed elsewhere. ''null'' has historically been used for that in PHP, although that has its share of problems, as discussed in [[https://peakd.com/hive-168588/@crell/much-ado-about-null|Much Ado about Null]]. More recently, it has become increasingly popular to use a custom single-value enum as a sentinel value instead, to provide more contextual information. public ?int $val = null; enum Missing { case Missing; } public int|Missing $val = Missing::Missing; However, neither of those techniques is usable on a ''readonly'' property. Rather, ''readonly'' relies on the implicit and rather weird "uninitialized" state, available only to typed properties, to indicate that it is not yet populated with a valid value. Assigning either null or a custom sentinel to a ''readonly'' property would disallow it from being correctly set in the future. However, as of PHP 8.3, ''readonly'' is the only way to have a public-read, private-write property. That means either relying on uninitialized as a sentinel (the tooling support for which is quite lacking) or foregoing a public-read property just to be able to assign and re-assign a sentinel value. Asymmetric visibility completely solves that issue, as properties can then be defaulted to a sentinel value (''null'' or custom) while allowing only the object itself to fully-initialize the value later. class A { public private(set) int|Missing $value = Missing::Missing; } ==== Tooling makes using readonly outside of constructors hard ==== There is a common but not universal belief that ''readonly'' properties, because of the weird "uninitialized" state described above, MUST always be set in the constructor, and not doing so is always an error. The language does not enforce this, but many static analyzer tools do. While there is validity to that argument usually, there are ample exceptions where that is not possible. (E.g., objects that necessarily require multi-stage construction, such as if you want to provide reflection information to an attribute.) That means, currently, a public-read, not-public-write property that needs to be set post-constructor is actively fighting against the language and tooling. Instead, the property must be left uninitialized, care must be taken when trying to read from it later to avoid uninitialized values, and you're fighting against common tooling. A public private(set) property has none of these issues. As noted above, it can happily use a sentinel value (''null'' or otherwise) to indicate that it is not yet set, or have a reasonable default, and still allow a "second set" when a real value is available. That is, it has all the benefits of ''readonly'' that we actually care about (the value cannot change externally) with none of the limitations (we can still control when it gets set ourselves within the class). ==== Readonly is incompatible with inheritance ==== As noted previously, the ''readonly'' flag is, on its own, two flags in one: write-once and ''private(set)''. While both have their use cases, there are ample times where only one or the other is desired. For instance, the following code from Crell/Serde (slightly simplified for this example) wants to use ''readonly'', but because of the implied ''private(set)'' it causes issues: abstract class Serde { // ... protected readonly TypeMapper $typeMapper; protected readonly ClassAnalyzer $analyzer; } class SerdeCommon extends Serde { // This must be redefined here so that it // can be set from the constructor. protected readonly TypeMapper $typeMapper; public function __construct( // Normally repeating a property as a promoted // argument is an error, BUT because the property // is in the parent, this overrides it with a // new property definition that is now local // to this class. protected readonly ClassAnalyzer $analyzer = new Analyzer(), array $handlers = [], array $formatters = [], array $typeMaps = [], ) { // We just want to do this... $this->typeMapper = new TypeMapper($typeMaps, $this->analyzer); // ... } } With asymmetric visibility, the ''readonly'' usage here can be replaced with ''protected protected(set)'' or ''readonly protected protected(set)'', avoiding the need to double-declare properties. (There's actually about 6 such properties in practice, so the simplification is larger than shown here.) abstract class Serde { // ... protected protected(set) readonly TypeMapper $typeMapper; protected protected(set) readonly ClassAnalyzer $analyzer; } ==== Hooks can be verbose ==== While every effort has been made to make hooks as compact as reasonable, there are some use cases that are still more clumsy than they need to be. For example, asymmetric visibility can be emulated with hooks like so: class NamedThing { private string $_name; public string $name { get => $this->_name; } public function __construct(string $name) { $this->_name = $name; } } But that's a lot of non-obvious work, and does have a small performance impact. It is much more straightforward to do this: class NamedThing { public function __construct(public private(set) string $name) {} } ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== None. This syntax would have been a parse error before. ===== Proposed PHP Version(s) ===== PHP 8.4 ===== RFC Impact ===== ===== Future Scope ===== This RFC is kept very simple. However, it does allow for future expansion. ==== Alternate operations ==== At this time, there are only two possible operations to scope: read and write. In concept, additional operations could be added with their own visibility controls. Possible examples include: * ''protected(&get)'' - Vary whether a reference to a property can be obtained independently of getting the value. (Would override the ''set'' visibility if used.) * ''private(setref)'' - Allows a property to be set by reference only from certain scopes. This RFC does NOT include any of the above examples; they are listed only to show that this syntax supports future expansion should a use be found. ==== Additional visibility ==== Should PHP ever adopt packages and package-level visibility, this syntax would be fully compatible with it. For example, ''public package(set)'' would be a natural syntax to use. This RFC does NOT include any discussion of such expanded visibility definition, just notes that it in no way precludes such future developments. ===== Proposed Voting Choices ===== This is a simple yes-or-no vote to include this feature. 2/3 majority required to pass. * Yes * No ===== References ===== This syntax is borrowed directly from [[https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/accesscontrol/#Getters-and-Setters|Swift's access control system]]. Syntax decisions in this RFC are supported by a poll conducted in September 2022. The results were [[https://externals.io/message/118557#118628|posted to the Internals list]].