====== Bug Triage Day ======
Welcome to Bug Triage Day.
===== When is it? =====
You can check the [[http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=rslkppoio4rtq6nm7b6fptclfo%40group.calendar.google.com|Google Calendar]] for the latest time
The next will be [[pear:qa:bug triage:2009-03-21]]
The last one was [[pear:qa:bug triage:2009-02-07]]
==== Who's running it? ====
* Helgi ([[dufuz]])
* Daniel ([[doconnor]])
* Chuck ([[ashnazg]])
==== What is it? ====
A quick description can be found at:
* [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/GettingStarted]]
* [[http://geekswithblogs.net/srkprasad/archive/2004/08/20/9961.aspx]]
* [[http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage]]
==== Patches for unmaintained packages ====
What's the policy for this bug-triage? I've provided some patches for some packages earlier (one month or so) and still no answer from developers, may I commit 'em now and close thoses bugs?
The answer to this is TBA. It's probably worthwhile to get a second developer to review & test them, then get someone else (like Helgi) to say if its OK or not.
QA can work on unmaintained packages without delay:
<@radagast> cweiske: your opinion for http://wiki.pear.php.net/index.php/Bug_Triage_Day#Patches_for_unmaintained_packages would be appreciated ;-)
<@cweiske> radagast, normal qa stuff
<@cweiske> http://pear.php.net/pepr/pepr-proposal-show.php?id=60
<@cweiske> QA rights/responsibilities:
<@cweiske> Fixing bugs/making releases
<@cweiske> If any QA related issues are found in a package that QA has not been granted permission to change without consulting the maintainer,the QA team will file a bug report. If the issue remains
unresolved for 1 month (2+1+1 weeks; see below), QA may fix it themselves.
<@radagast> I thought that was assuming the package was maintained and that the process might be quicker for unmaintained packages as that expressly implies that there is no maintainer to consult
<@cweiske> oh, unmaintained
<@cweiske> for unmaintained, qa can go full steam immediately
<@radagast> heh. that's good to know.
<@radagast> I'll update that section on the wiki
If you are helping out on a Triage day and aren't QA, then please simply email the qa list [[mailto:pear-qa@lists.php.net]] asking that somebody look at the patch you submitted and take action.
===== Process =====
Pick your package, and look for existing open bugs.
The basic steps are below but remember, creating patches and fixes or tests are not a requirement:
* Choose a Bug
* Reproduce / Verify it
* See if there are existing unit tests for it
* Write a unit test to demonstrate the bug
* Make changes to the code to fix the bug
* Create a patch
* Repeat
===== Getting access to CVS =====
Don't know how to get CVS code?
Read [[http://www.php.net/anoncvs.php]]
==== Windows users ====
For windows users, grab a [[http://ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/cvs/binary/stable/x86-woe/cvs-1-11-20.zip|a copy of the binary]], unzip it into your path, and we're off.
Bring up a command line (Start -> Run -> cmd), and check you've done it right by typing cvs
Next, you want to make somewhere to checkout to:
G:\work>md pear
G:\work>cd pear
G:\work\pear>cvs -d :pserver:cvsread:@cvs.php.net:/repository login
Logging in to :pserver:cvsread@cvs.php.net:2401/repository
G:\work\pear>cvs -d :pserver:cvsread:@cvs.php.net:/repository checkout pear
cvs checkout: Updating pear
U pear/AllTests.php
==== Making patches ====
Patches are easy!
To see all modifications; use:
cvs diff -u
To see just a certain file, use:
cvs diff -u Foo.php
and to make a patch
cvs diff -u Foo.php > bug-12345.diff.txt
===== Previous Triage Days =====
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-03-22]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-04-06]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-05-03]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-07-13]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-08-02]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-08-23]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-09-14]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-10-04]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-10-25]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-11-15]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-12-06]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2008-12-28]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2009-01-17]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2009-02-07]]
* [[pear:qa:bug triage:2009-03-21]]