====== LibTidy for Windows, How to compile ======
LibTidy is a library to clean or process HTML documents, well formed or not.
For more information, please see tidy [[http://tidy.sf.net|homepage]].
===== Available prebuilt libraries =====
All prebuilt libraries are available in the php-libs [[http://windows.php.net/downloads/php-sdk/deps/|repositories]]
The filename format is:
where x.y.z defines the version, vcversion which Visual C++ has been used and architecture defines whether the build is for win32 or win64.
For PHP suitable sources and up-to-date information see [[https://github.com/winlibs/libtidy]].
===== Building LibTidy =====
==== Requirements =====
* tidy sources (2008/03/22), fetch our [[https://github.com/winlibs/|version]] or the original [[http://tidy.sf.net|sources]] (CVS only) and use the Makefiles provided in our sources.
* Common tools used to compile PHP
==== Preparing the sources =====
Simply uncompress the sources archives.
==== Configuration =====
No special configuration required. Be sure to have the platform SDK in your path.
==== Compilation =====
=== Release ====
The following command:
cd tidy\build\msvc
nmake /f makeLIB.vc
cd tidy\build\msvc
nmake /f makeDLL.vc
Debug mode:
cd tidy\build\msvc
nmake /f makeLIB.vc DEBUG=1