====== LipJpeg for Windows, How to compile ======
===== Available prebuilt libraries =====
All prebuilt libraries are available in the php-libs [[http://windows.php.net/downloads/php-sdk/deps/|repositories]]
The filename format is:
where x.y.z defines the version, vcversion which Visual C++ has been used.
Only static library (.lib) are available for now.
===== Building libjpeg 8d =====
==== Requirements =====
* LibJpeg Sources, fetch our (possibly patched) [[https://github.com/winlibs/libjpeg|version]] or the original [[http://www.ijg.org|sources]
* Common tools used to compile PHP
==== Preparing the sources =====
To compile libjpeg to be used with PHP (and more generally with any decent VC), the makefile has to be altered, add the /MT flag as follow (~ line 15):
CFLAGS= $(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvars) -I. /MD
copy jconfig.vc jconfig.h
==== Configuration =====
Two modes are available, debug or non debug (fully optimized).
==== Compilation =====
=== Release ====
nmake /f makefile.vc nodebug=1
=== Debug ====
nmake /f makefile.vc
For VC11 you might need to copy the win32.mak from the Windows SDK file into the jpeg source dir.