====== ibm_db2 (IBM DB2 PHP driver) Windows, How to compile ======
===== Building ibm_db2 =====
==== Requirements =====
* ibm_db2 sources ([[http://pecl.php.net/get/ibm_db2]] )
==== Dependencies ====
* IBM DB2 DataServer Driver ([[https://www.ibm.com/services/forms/preLogin.do?source=swg-idsdpds]])
==== Compile ====
Download latest IBM_DB2 extension source code from [[http://pecl.php.net/package/ibm_db2|PECL]]. Extract it and put it in standard location (PECL directory).
Download IBM Data Server Driver Package from the link provided in **Dependencies** section. Install this package on the server (say, the location will be C:\SQLLIB).
Once the installation is done, next step is to setup the environment. Open VC command prompt and set few environment variables. Following are the command to set these variables:
> set LIB="C:\SQLLIB\lib";%LIB%
> set INCLUDE="C:\SQLLIB\include";%INCLUDE%
> set PATH="C:\SQLLIB\bin";%PATH%
After this step, run standard steps to build PHP. The flag to include IBM_DB2 extension is **--with-ibm_db2**, and it should point to SQLLIB directory. So, in current case, the flag will be like:
> configure --with-ibm_db2="C:\SQLLIB",shared