
This is an old revision of the document!

PHP RFC: Add openStream() to XML{Reader,Writer}


The XMLReader and XMLWriter classes deal with XML in a stream-oriented manner. The former implements an XML “pull parser”. This means that instead of keeping the data in memory or building a document tree, the document is streamed and the developer can instruct XMLReader to parse chunks at the current cursor and either process or skip the data. The advantage is that developers can process and filter large documents while requiring few resources. It is most often used as a lower-level building block for more complex handling of large XML documents. Similarly, XMLWriter writes an XML document to a stream or memory by using functions like startElement and writeElement.

There is however a strange limitation to these classes: they cannot operate on an already-open stream! This is bizarre as the APIs (both internally and user-facing) are stream-oriented. Streams that are already open are common when working, for example, with HTTP requests, data passed from a framework, or just XML data embedded in an existing stream. The lack of an API that works with already-opened streams causes developers to rely on workarounds, e.g. reading the stream entirely to memory and then using the XMLReader APIs, or writing an XML file using XMLWriter and then having to pass that into an already-open stream. That's just wasteful and needlessly difficult. This RFC aims to fix that problem and aims to fix some other inconsistency as well.


I propose to add a new function called openStream() to both XMLReader and XMLWriter. Here is how they would look like:

class XMLReader {
    /** @param resource $stream */
    public static function openStream($stream, ?string $encoding = null, int $flags = 0, ?string $documentUri = null): XMLReader {}
class XMLWriter {
    /** @param resource $stream */
    public function openStream($stream): void {}

The signature for XMLReader::openStream() is heavily inspired by the existing function public static XMLReader::open(string $uri, ?string $encoding = null, int $flags = 0): bool|XMLReader that operates on files. However, a major difference is that XMLReader::openStream() is static-only, whereas the other open functions of XMLReader can either be statically or non-statically called and change their return-value behaviour depending on that. As we seem to try to get away from such strange APIs, I decided to only make a static variation available. When you try to call this method non-statically, you'll get an Error to avoid confusion stating “XMLReader::openStream() can only be called statically”.

The $documentUri parameter is used mostly for when libxml outputs error messages that you can put an origin name in there.

The signature for XMLWriter::openStream() should be self-explanatory. It is also modeled like the other open functions, but they are considerably simpler. You'll also notice the lack of an encoding argument, and that's because this is already handled by the XMLWriter::startDocument() function.

While implementing this, I found some strange behaviour regarding the ?string $encoding parameter of the existing functions XMLReader::open() and XMLReader::XML(). The first oddity is that they emit a warning instead of throwing a ValueError when the encoding contains NULL bytes. This is inconsistent with how other functions handle it. I propose to promote this warning to a ValueError instead. The second oddity is that invalid encoding names are ignored entirely. This means that it won't emit a warning or anything, but just silently not set the encoding. This can hide bugs. I propose to also throw a ValueError in this case stating “Argument #X ($encoding) must be a valid character encoding”.

Backward Incompatible Changes

There are three minor BC breaks.

The first one is the fact that we're adding the openStream() method. If a user extends the XMLReader or XMLWriter class, and their class implements a method with the same name but an incompatible signature, a compile error will occur. I analyzed the top 2500 Composer packages, and only found one package that contains the method name openStream and it wasn't in a class that extends either classes. This means that the top 2500 packages don't suffer a BC break because of this. That doesn't mean there will be none, but it gives a good indication.

The second BC break is caused by throwing a ValueError on invalid encodings instead of silently ignoring invalid encodings. If we don't signal the invalid encoding in any way to the user, this can subtly hide bugs. For example, this could hide typos or silently pass invalid user input to the respective functions. Forcing developers to handle this error explicitly will result in more robust code in the end.

The third BC break is the promotion of the NULL-byte warning to a ValueError. This makes the XMLReader and XMLWriter class more consistent with other extensions that throw instead of issuing a warning. The migration for developers should be quite simple: instead of silencing the warning and/or checking the return value of the function, they should use a try-catch construct to handle the error.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

Next PHP 8.x, this is PHP 8.4 at the time of writing.

RFC Impact

To Existing Extensions

Only ext/xmlreader and ext/xmlwriter are affected.

Open Issues

None yet.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Everything else, why do we have this section?

Future Scope

None yet.

Proposed Voting Choices

One primary vote requiring 2/3rd majority to accept the RFC as a whole.

Patches and Tests


After the project is implemented, this section should contain

  1. the version(s) it was merged into
  2. a link to the git commit(s)
  3. a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature
  4. a link to the language specification section (if any)


Rejected Features

None yet.


  1. 0.9: Initial version under discussion
rfc/xmlreader_writer_streams.1713811231.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/22 18:40 by nielsdos