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PHP RFC: Your Title Here


For PHP 7.0 the ReflectionType API was introduced in conjunction with return types. Its minimal API was intended to be the base for future improvements; this RFC contains those improvements.


This RFC adds several new subtypes for ReflectionType; here is their hierarchy:

  • ReflectionType (already exists)
    • ReflectionSingularType
      • ReflectionIntType
      • ReflectionFloatType
      • ReflectionBoolType
      • ReflectionStringType
      • ReflectionArrayType
      • ReflectionCallableType
      • ReflectionVoidType
      • ReflectionClassType

ReflectionSingularType has a new method named getName() which returns the string name of the type it represents. Here is a stub the represents its API:

class ReflectionSingularType extends ReflectionType {
    public function getName(): string;

A call to the getName() method of a SingularType that represents any of int, ?int or int $foo = null will return int in each case.

ReflectionClassType has an additional method getClass() that obtains the ReflectionClass of the type it represents. Here is its stub:

class ReflectionClassType extends ReflectionSingularType {
    public function getClass(): ReflectionClass;

The engine will return a subtype of ReflectionSingularType if possible. For builtin types the engine will return ReflectionIntType, ReflectionFloatType, etc as appropriate. If the engine does not recognize a type it will call the autoloader; if the class is found then a ReflectionClassType will be returned and otherwise a plain ReflectionSingularType will be returned.

Backward Incompatible Changes

There is a change for ReflectionType::__toString() which will now include a ? for nullable types. This change is justified for several reason:

  1. ReflectionType was introduced in 7.0 and therefore adoption is low
  2. The change reflects the intention of the meaning of __toString to be the string representation of the type that would pass syntax checking. Unfortunately this intention wasn't formally documented thus classifying this as a BC break.

PHP Version

This RFC targets PHP 7.Next which is currently version 7.1.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

ReflectionClass is unaffected; this only touches ReflectionType.


It is unclear if voting requires 50%+1 or 2/3. On one hand this is not a language change but on the other this does contain a BC break. Rather than debating it one way or the other I've chosen to require 2/3.

The vote will be a simple yes or no for these changes.

Patches and Tests

The patch for this is not difficult; it will be coming soon.

rfc/reflectiontypeimprovements.1466004071.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)