====== Normal procedural extension skeleton ====== Note: For the new OOP model, see also the [[doc:skeletons:oo|proposed OOP model]] === File structure === lang/reference/extname/ * book.xml (See xml:id="ref.extname") * setup.xml (See xml:id="extname.setup") * constants.xml (See xml:id="extname.constants") * examples.xml (See xml:id="extname.examples") * reference.xml (See xml:id="functions.extname") == The new "container file" (reference.xml currently) will be "book.xml": == ... ... ... &reference.extname.setup; &reference.extname.constants; &reference.extname.examples; &reference.extname.reference; == Which will be expanded to == Extname Extname... &reftitle.intro; Short introduction. &reftitle.setup;
&reftitle.required; &no.requirement;
&reftitle.install; &no.install;
&reftitle.runtime; &no.config;
&reftitle.resources; &no.resource;
&reftitle.constants; &no.constants; &reftitle.examples;
Basic usage of this extension Extname example#1 ]]>
Extname &Functions; &reference.extname.functions.entities; &reference.extname.classname; &reference.extname.class2name;